
allen-upward avatar image
allen-upward asked

Updating firmware MPPT 150/100 VE.Can using VE.Direct + PC software


MPPT 150/100-Tr VE.Can connected to PC using VE.Direct port & Victron serial adapter cable.


When connecting to Equipment via the VE.Direct port with Victron serial cable + PC with VictronConnect software, we are prompted to update the firmware on the device, which then fails (see attached error message: "Update failed! Result: X88 - Communication Error. Vreg Ack timeout. Please check the connection and try again". See photo for error screen.


Any idea how to fix this so we can update firmware via PC and configure settings?


  • We are able to connect with the Android App and perform the update via Bluetooth. Subsequently the connection using the VE.Direct port + PC works fine.
  • We're using the latest version of both the PC VictronConnect software as well as the Android app

If you have any ideas on how to fix this it would be appreciated, as we're expecting to be programming many of these devices and doing so via bluetooth is very time consuming.

Thanks kindly,


MPPT Controllersfirmware updateVE.DirectVE.Can
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1 Answer
michelg avatar image
michelg answered ·

Hi, this is probably related to the COM or speed parameters used on your PC. Some information found on the Victron site manuals :

Solution for VE.Direct Smart dongle

  • If you are in the firmware update screen, first force close VictronConnect.

  • Unplug the dongle from the VE.Direct port.

  • Press and hold the 'Clear PIN' button on the dongle and connect it to the VE.Direct port again, the red and blue LEDs will blink alternately; indicating that the dongle is in update mode.

  • Release the 'Clear PIN' button. You now have 30 seconds to connect to the product, after 30 seconds the dongle will automatically leave the update mode.

  • Start VictronConnect and click on the product in the device list.

  • The firmware update screen will appear again. You should now be able to update the dongle to the latest firmware version.

Drivers :

Note for early versions of SmartSolar MPPT 150/85 and 150/100: it is not possible to use both the VE.Direct port and the built-in Bluetooth Smart function at the same time. When connecting to VE.Direct, the built-in Bluetooth Smart function will not be available. These early versions can be recognized by their part number:

  • SmartSolar MPPT 150/85 Tr. Early version: SCC010085210.

  • SmartSolar MPPT 150/85 MC4. Early version: SCC010085310.

  • SmartSolar MPPT 150/100 Tr. Early version: SCC010100210.

  • SmartSolar MPPT 150/100 MC4. Early version: SCC010100310.

I hope this will help you solving the issue.


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Related Resources

VE.Direct protocol FAQ

Additional resources still need to be added for this topic

MPPT Product Page

MPPT Error codes

MPPT 150/60 up to 250/70 Manual