
mike-deau avatar image
mike-deau asked

Cerbo Networking issue with USB->Victron Direct Cable

Hello All,

My Cerbo is in up and running and I am learning how to use it. I have one problem that I think is really odd.

My very basic learning setup: Cerbo, Solar MPPT, 24v Battery, Load, USB -> victron direct cable. (I have a victron direct->victron direct cable coming this week, but want to test with what I will actually be using)

Problem: The Cerbo will not transmit any data over wifi only when a USB->victron direct cable is plugged in.

Everything is setup and working fine on the cerbo side, I have VRM, I have access to the menus, life is good. Then I plug in my USB cable which goes to the solar MPPT and everything is bad. I instantly lose all VRM connection including local LAN remote console via IP. I still have bluetooth, and it still shows in the networking menu that all networking is connected, it provides an IP address.

I unplug the usb cable and like magic, everything instantly works. Plug back into another usb outlet, bam no worky. Unplug. Work.

Some more info:

SmartSolar MPPT 75/15 - Frimware V1.50 / Bluetooth Interface V1.11

Cerbo GX - Firmware v2.57

Everything is new out of box. Voltages are good. SmartSolar has been working for a couple of months as I waited for the Cerbo.


cerbo gxMPPT SmartSolarTCP IP Networking
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1 Answer
mike-deau avatar image
mike-deau answered ·

Just a follow up. I got my new victron direct cable and can now communicate on the ve direct bus with no problems. Thoughts?

I need to solve soonish, as the plan is to add a USB hub and 4 other USB->victron cables to communicate with 4 MPPTs.

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The first step would be to try another different USB to VE.Direct cable, and see if that is the same as the first.

Also important to remember that only the outermost USB ports can be used. The innermost USB port next to the HDMI port is reserved for GX Touch power and should not be used with the data cables.

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mike-deau avatar image mike-deau Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) ♦♦ commented ·

Thanks Guy! I have another cable on order to see if that is the problem.

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