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georgejt asked

Cerbo GX temperature input To monitor Battery temperature for multiple lithium chargers (MPPT, AC, buck-boost)

Hi. I’m building a system around Cerbo GX and want to monitor the battery temperature of my lithium batteries to switch off the MPPT or AC chargers when the temp is too low. Can I use the simple Victron temperature lead connected to the Cerbo GX temp input to disable charging? Or do I need to get the Smart temp sensor and create a VE Smart network to achieve this? and can I use one temperature sensor to switch off AC and Solar chargers, or do I need separate temp sensor for each charger? I also plan to add a DC-DC buck boost charger, and need this to also switch off on low temp. How can I also achieve this through the Cerbo GX or do I need the Ve Can temp sensor?

cerbo gxLithium BatteryOrion DC-DC Converters not smartTemperature Sensor
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