
endy avatar image
endy asked

450 watts with SmartSolar MPPT 100/30?

450 watt solar on 12v system with the VICTRON SmartSolar MPPT 100/30 or 100/50?

I would save $130 with the 30 over the 50 and considering I have no income in the foreseeable future thats appealing haha.

The manual says up to 440 watts with the 30 but I have seen places selling it list up to 450 watts. I have 3 x 150 watt panels for my new system and right now just a Renogy 30 that does 400 watt so need something but can't spend a lot.

400Ah (2 x Renogy 12v Deep Cycle Batteries)

450 Watt Solar (3x150) - the most I can fit mounted on my van roof, I will NOT be expanding to more panels.

W/ Wirthco Battery Isolator adding power also

chargercharge current limitcharge controller compatibility
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1 Answer
Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ยท

What system voltage do you have?

@12V you can get around 430W charging power(!)

@24V ~ 860W

Charging power โ‰  PV power

You can install more PV power as long as you don't extend the maximum PV input voltage (100V) or the maximum short circuit current (35A/60A)

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endy avatar image endy commented ยท

My system is 12v, sorry for forgetting. Someone else said to me since I am flat mounting the panels I will lose 10-15% efficiency so my input already is already only ~400watt max.

400Ah (2 x Renogy Deep Cycle Batteries)

450 Watt Solar (3x150) - the most I can fit mounted on my van roof, I will NOT be expanding to more panels.

W/ Wirthco Battery Isolator adding power also

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