
miya avatar image
miya asked

VRP Portal - Data Logging with Venus GX / EasyPlus 1600/12/70

Hi All

I have connected my new Venus GX to my new EasyPlus - which is connected to battery and so on. On the EasyPlus - I have it set to Charge Only - and have no AC loads connected to the inverter side - and even have the trip switches off. So my logic is - there can be NO load on the inverter / AC side.

Yet - despite this the VRM Portal is showing AC Consumption between 1 and 2 W - not a lot I know - but it should be 0 - as nothing is connected - and all breaker switches are ever off

Any thoughts from anyone ?

Many thanks, Tim

VRMVenus GX - VGXEasyPlus
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1 Answer
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ยท

Hi Tim,

The inverter uses a bit of power to run itself and the Venus GX as well.

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miya avatar image miya commented ยท

Many thanks Alexandra. Just checked it - and you are spot on - the EasyPlus draws 0.95A when on (inverting mode with no loads), 0.12A when switched to charging (no mains and no loads), and 0.00A when off. So... check... you are spot on.

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