
Tommy Marty avatar image
Tommy Marty asked

Orion-Tr Smart Current Adjustment

Is there a Charge Current limiter planned? I d like to use Smart Solar 75/15 to Charge the most important Battery and the Orion at the Output of the Smart Solar to charge a second Battery when the first one is fully charged ... I have build my one Display and want to aktivate the Orion if the first battery is going to Abs. mode. But i do not want to take energy out of the first battery. I want to store the Energy from my solar panel in the second Battery by ramping the Curent as long as the first Battery stay in ABS. Fashion. Is this possible?

MPPT Controllersorion-tr smartcampervan
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remcomeeder avatar image remcomeeder commented ·
Still after 3 years no development from Victron regarding this. I to want to have a DC-DC charger with a current limit ssettin and VE networking.
If there will be a Orion with VE networking and the option to set the current I would buy it instantly.
I only need a max current of 10A.
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11 Answers
Andrew Ford avatar image
Andrew Ford answered ·

Looks like the new Orion XS has adjustable output.

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Matthias Lange - DE avatar image Matthias Lange - DE ♦ commented ·

It doesn't have VE smart networking jet but adjustable input/output current.

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Andrew Ford avatar image Andrew Ford Matthias Lange - DE ♦ commented ·
After the disappointment of the original Orions, I will let some other people test it out and report back before I jump at it.
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xavier-64 avatar image xavier-64 Matthias Lange - DE ♦ commented ·
Features of the Orion12/12/50 XS are interresting !

Any kind of information about future versions i.e : 24V and or 12/24 or 24/12 ?

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reflektor1978 avatar image
reflektor1978 answered ·

I have the same question to Victron! Is it planned to reduce or control the input current of the Orion TR Smart 18? Or is it possible to get it done by an other way?
I do have a service Battery charged by MPPT 100/20 and 240W SolarPanel. I would like to charge the starter Battery while standing a long time (like camping). The OrionTR Smart 18, uses nearly the full load (18Amps) try to load the starter Battery. If I use the Load-Output of the MPPT 100/20 charging corrupt due to losing voltage on service Battery (down to 7Volts). Shall I connect to the service Battery directly instead of using Load Output of MPPT 100/20?

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djsringup avatar image
djsringup answered ·

I want the same thing, being able to control/limit the current of Orion Smart-TR DC-DC charger, since the alternator on my outboard is small and only outputs max 15A...

(I heard it’s in the pipe for the future but if it’s a software or hardware upgrade I don’t know)

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banjoisland avatar image
banjoisland answered ·

I would also like to be able to control current from the Smart charger. It doesn't seem so smart without this feature..

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pepe1395 avatar image pepe1395 commented ·

To say nothing of the lack of the VE.Direct...

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kjintf avatar image kjintf commented ·

Renogy has the ability to cut in 1/2 the current - a step in the right direction

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ers avatar image
ers answered ·

same here, how can we limit the amps?

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jkirkebo avatar image
jkirkebo answered ·

I also need this feature as I'm hoping to use one to charge a lithium 12V battery on a caravan. The 12V input comes from the 13-pin socket on the car, the output pin for continous charging there (pin 9/13) is limited to 10A. So I need to limit input amps to less than 10A to insure that the fuse doesn't blow. Output at 8A should be ok, with 87% efficiency that is 9,2 amps input.

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oxy avatar image oxy commented ·
Have you found a solution for your caravan? What gauge wires do you have at pin 9 and 13? E.g. a 3-mode Thetford fridge draws ~15A from pin 13, so your 10A fuse seems on a smaller side (thinner wire?).

Have you considered the non-smart Orion 12/12-9 model, which is rated at 9A?

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kjintf avatar image
kjintf answered ·

After a full year I see nothing from Victron on this issue. For many of us it's a show stopper issue and will have to go to the competition for the answer.

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Hugo Russouw avatar image
Hugo Russouw answered ·

Hi @mvader (Victron Energy)

Is it possible for someone from Victron energy to supply a response to this question?

We just need a Yes, No or something.

Thanks Hugo

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bathnm avatar image bathnm commented ·

@Hugo Russouw Victron will not supply any details until they are ready. They know the limitation of the current product set and am sure are working behind the scenes to address these. Once they have a solution, can manufacture it and have software in place they will announce something. It is not the Victron way to pre announce products that could be months away from being available. This is even more important with the current economic issues around electronic components and supply. A supply chain issue could suddenly create problems for them and let people down.

If they say yes they are working something, the next question will be when will it be available.

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pepe1395 avatar image
pepe1395 answered ·

I think the Orion Tr Smart is a son of a lesser god for Victron.

It’s a pity.


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Tommy Marty avatar image
Tommy Marty answered ·

Still the same problem. I charge my "livingroom" Battery with a Smart solar 75/15 and want to put the excess Energy from the Solarpanel in to the Starter Battery, without steal Energy from the "livingrooom" Battery. The MPPT Charger shuld know, how mutch Power is left to charge the Starterbattery via Orion r may be another MPPT Charger.

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bathnm avatar image bathnm commented ·
@tommych I am guessing when you park up the starter is already charged. Therefore the Orion TR Smart will be in float, therefore the amount it draws will be very minimal and will be trickle charging.

However one thing you need to think about is any charging of the living room battery from the alternator while driving. What you do not want is a DC/DC from starter to living room running at the same time as from living room to starter. You can easily manage this by the ignition switch and how you wire the remote on off. One to be on when the ignition is on and the other when the ignition is off.

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Tommy Marty avatar image Tommy Marty bathnm commented ·
That is true. But the Starter battery feeds some Systems in my Car day and night. I do not want to invest Solar energy for them at liest i have excess Power. Actually i have a Smart Solar 75/15 and a unused 100/15. My Plan was to Buy a Orion TR 12/24

The main Solar charger is connectet to the Panels. If the Charger switches state to Abs, the Output switches on and this wil trigger the Orion. The Orion Produces a 24V Supply that feeds the Solar Input of the second MPPT Smart Solar. This can limit the Charging Current to 2A or 5A... If the Main Charger detects a Voltagedrop on the Main Battery, he switches his Output off. This switches the Orion off and the second solarcharger has nothing to charge anymore. Maybe i can trigger the Orion direct to charge the Starterbattery without a second MPPT, and switch it off if the Main Battery is dropping. But this can result in a rectangel Charge for the Starter Battery...

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remcomeeder avatar image remcomeeder Tommy Marty commented ·
Isn't the issue that the MPPT solar controller can effectively short the inputs? Wouldn't that be an issue for the Orion?

It would be so much simpler if Victron makes a Orion with a configurable current output. It regulates the current anyway for the charging cycle so why not give us an option to limit the maximum output.

Having to resort to things like putting a Orion and a MPPT charger in series is wasteful and adds additional weight.

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bathnm avatar image bathnm Tommy Marty commented ·
@tommych maybe I am missing something. Why not get the MPPT to switch the Orion TR Smart on and off, based on volume of solar. The current draw by the Orion TR Smart will just be what is needed tor wise the voltage and charge the starter. If it draws too much the MPPT will revert out of absorption and shut the Orion TR smart off. None of this is ideal, but we have to work with what we have,

I think you will get a lot of loses going from 12v to 24v via an Orion and then back to 12v via an MPPT. Sort of negates just leaving the Orion TR Smart on all the time and accepting not will be feeding the parasitic loads on the starter.
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chergyro avatar image
chergyro answered ·

Any news on this?

I stupidly bought an Orion-Tr Smart and didn't think at all that a configurable current limitation could be missing here...

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