
wolle4000 avatar image
wolle4000 asked

Charging on Quattro in dependence of SoC

I want to stop charging if Soc is 80% and restart charging im Soc is less than 40%.

I have a Quattro, CCGX und an Ve.Bus BMS (REC-A)

Where can I set this parameter ?

MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Chargerbattery chargingchargerSOC
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3 Answers
Mark avatar image
Mark answered ·

There is no direct way to achieve this, but it should still be possible without too much trouble...

You could use the CCGX generator start/stop functionality with SOC% set as the only trigger condition.

Then physically wire the CCGX relay to one of the 'Aux In' terminals on Quattro unit and use the '2 signal BMS' assistant to enable/disable the charger totally or even force it into float phase >80% SOC.

Also see my answer to your other related question for more information on using assistants.

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wolle4000 avatar image wolle4000 commented ·

Perfect...I think it is really easy with the Generator start/stop functionality to programm the SoC (via Aux-In 1 and CCGX relais).

And for start/stop charging I can use the current control assistant with the option to disable the charger at 0A charge current enabled and both trigger voltages set to ~2v.

(via Aux In 2 , 12V on /off via a Push Button)

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Mark avatar image Mark ♦♦ wolle4000 commented ·

Good to hear that you should be sorted with the recommendations - let us know how it all goes once you set it up.

PS. The Multiplus/Quattro Aux In terminals have the input side at 5v with a pull up resistor and the other side bonded to ground. To use the charge current assistant you just need to open or close the circuit with a switch or relay. Don't go putting 12v into it.

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wolle4000 avatar image wolle4000 Mark ♦♦ commented ·

that is important to I can only close the contacts at AUX1-IN (potential free)?

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wolle4000 avatar image wolle4000 Mark ♦♦ commented ·

One more questions:

Is it correct, that I first have to programm the CCGX with all paramtaters when the internal relay should be on or off (in depedant of the SoC),

and in the second step I have to set the assisant (via '2 signal BMS Assisant) to tell the Quattro what to do when the relay is closed from the CCGX ?
At the beginning of the assisant I have 4 options to choose: (BMS have only one contact for Cell high, or the BMS have to contacts for Cell high/low). But the CCGX relais only has one status on or off ??

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Mark avatar image Mark ♦♦ wolle4000 commented ·

See my new answer, sorry my reply was too big to be posted as a comment in this thread.

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Mark avatar image
Mark answered ·

The generator start/stop relay logic cannot be inverted, so with a CCGX you need to work with the logic of Genset on = relay closed / Genset off = relay open. If using a Venus GX you have the open to use the NC relay contacts (instead of NO) to invert the operation.

To setup the generator start/stop logic;

1- Set the relay function to 'generator start/stop'

2- Enable 'Auto start functionality'

3- Under settings > Conditions select the desired trigger condition(s)

4- Enable the desired condition(s) and set the desired thresholds

To setup the 2 signal BMS assistant logic (to disable/enable the charger);

1- In the 'VEConfigure battery type selection' screen select the 1st option - 'Do not change battery type'

2- In the 'BMS options' screen select the 2nd option - 'The BMS has one contact which switches only on a high-cell condition'

3- In the ' Battery state input' screen select 'The battery is full when Auxiliary input 1 is open'

4- In the Action' screen select 'Disable charger (or force to float if desired) and do not adapt SOC when battery full'

5- Review the 'Information' summary screen to ensure the assistant is setup correctly

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wolle4000 avatar image wolle4000 commented ·

Thank you a lot!! With this instruction all is perspicuous.

I'm always fascinated by the incredible number of setting options in a VICTRON system :-)

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Mark avatar image Mark ♦♦ wolle4000 commented ·

No problem, your welcome. I hope it all works our well for you.

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PeterM avatar image
PeterM answered ·

Does this method also disable the programmed timed Absorbtion cycle ( typically 7 -1 4days ) that the Quattro has

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