
ablock avatar image
ablock asked

Invert / passthrough without charging on Multiplus 12/2000?


I have a MultiPlus 12/2000 in our RV. We have an imbalance issue with our lithium cells that causes an overvoltage condition when absorption charging. Obviously this is not an issue when inverting off the house bank, but connecting to shore power and setting the inverter "On" (in order to energize the relay that connects the MP's AC input to the AC output) also inevitably turns on the charger, eventually tripping the OV relay and shutting down the whole rig. The cell balance issue will get resolved in time, but meanwhile I would like to be able to use shore power.

I see that someone else asked about this issue here, and was told they could use an assistant to set the charge voltage to 0V. I looked in VE.Config and found the "charge current assistant". This seems to allow me to set the charge current to 0V, but also allows "disabling the charger when the charge current should be zero". Does anyone know whether to check this box; i.e., whether disabling the charger would also disconnect the passthrough relay?



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Elimac avatar image Elimac commented ·

link not working...

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2 Answers
Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

Disabling the charger with the assistant only disables the charger not the passthrough.

But if you have a cell imbalance problem you should take a closer look at that. Are all charging sources set to the correct settings for your battery?

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andres Hs1 avatar image
andres Hs1 answered ·

Hi @Matthias Lange - DE

I know that this is an old thread, but worth to try....

what about disabling the charger with an external BMS but allow the pass through?

I need my BMS to control when the batteries are charged or not, while the generator might be running through the night for the air con


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