
pf-1 avatar image
pf-1 asked

Generator is accepted when VEConfigure is running, but ...

When VEConfigure is connected to the Quattro II (via MK3-USB), the generator (based on a Dynawatt alternator) is accepted at AC-in 1 without any problems.

However, as soon as VEConfigure is stopped and the Cerbo GX takes control of the ESS, the connection to the generator is interrupted. Attempts are then made at regular intervals to switch back to the generator, but always without success (click clack).

This cannot be due to the power quality, otherwise the generator would never be accepted. Are there other requirements for the power quality in the ESS than when VEConfigrure is running?

Input AC-in 1 is declared as generator and AC-in 2 as grid. The generator must be started manually.

Any ideas?

GeneratorVEConfigure 3Quattro-II
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4 Answers
Kevin Windrem avatar image
Kevin Windrem answered ·

Make sure you have the generator's AC input set to Generator in system setup. If not, it might try to feed into the generator and crazy things could happen. Most likely the voltage will spike.

When the MK3 is connected, the GX device disconnects so none of the ESS logic is working at that point.

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pf-1 avatar image
pf-1 answered ·

As already mentioned, input AC-in 1 is already declared as a generator.
It must therefore be something that is only taken into account when the cerbo-GX becomes active. What could that be? How does the Quattro behave differently when the cerbo-GX controls it, instead of beeing controleb by VEConfigure?

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yann avatar image
yann answered ·

I 'm pretty sure I read somewhere the grid should be AC IN 1 and the generator AC IN 2 with an ESS system, but can't find where it was

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Victron actually recommends generator on AC 1. This is primarily do (I think) based on unstable grid with a good generator.

Quattro will only start on AC 1 if the battery is dead.

AC 1 has priority over AC 2 if both are present.

For a while "Don't start generator if grid is present" could only be set for AC 1 but that's been addressed. So now I think it is possible to put generator on AC 1 and grid on AC 2 and switch to grid and stop the generator when grid is present.

There were other things (and some may still exist) that only work properly if generator is on AC 2.

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pf-1 avatar image
pf-1 answered ·

If the Quattro II is not connected to the Cerbo GX (ESS), the generator is detected when LOM B is activated. (as mentioned above)
If, on the other hand, the Quattro II is connected to the Cerbo GX (ESS), the generator is only detected when LOM is deactivated.

I therefore assume that either the LOM detection only works when the Quattro II is connected to the cerbo GX (ESS), or another type of detection is running when the Quattro II is connected to the cerbo GX (ESS).

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