
kromc5 avatar image
kromc5 asked

Trying to determine if I can replace four Batrium shunts with SmartShunts.

The goal is to remove the 4 batrium shunts and replace them with victron units; each shut is connected to its own bank. I only want to proceed if I can see them online. So far, my confidence is not high enough to risk the investment to try. I have been researching and collecting information I have found. I have found two options: Venus OS on pi or ve/USB to the Cergo gx. It's unclear with the VE/USB that I can use a usb and a single connection back to my cerbo gx.,connect%20more%20than%20two%20VE.

"The VE.Direct to USB interface connects products with a VE.Direct connection to devices with a USB port, for example a computer. With this cable it is also possible to connect more than two VE.Direct products to a single CCGX."

"I found the option to add the second battery as a seperate box but it would make it nicer if multipe shunts would be possible to show in the view. At this moment i have two batteries 15k each with their own shunt and will soon have multiple smartsolar inverters so expect I will have the same visualisation issue on that front. I think the inteface needs an upgrade to cope with multiple batteries and multiple inverters since more and more people are starting to add more and more components with the rising energy prices. Victron devices are super but the inteface needs an upgrade just like the options to configure everything via the app or vrm portal in an easy way."

"All your Victron Gear online | Venus OS + Raspberry Pi, how easy is the 3-step setup?"

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1 Answer
kromc5 avatar image
kromc5 answered ·
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Up to 8 attachments (including images) can be used with a maximum of 190.8 MiB each and 286.6 MiB total.