
Kevin Windrem avatar image
Kevin Windrem asked

GuiMods v6.0

I released some major changes to GuiMods today. In no particular order:

  • revise Generator overview & add auto run enable/disable button
  • add generator service interval and countdown on generator overview
  • incorporate GeneratorConnector code in GuiMods - GeneratorConnector now obsolete
  • revised "simple" flow overview
  • revised "grid parallel" flow overview, now called "AC Coupled"
  • added DC Coupled flow overview - shows more DC devices than previous pages
  • add alternator, AC charger and wind generator DC sources
  • added gauges to mobile overview and generator overview
  • add details page access from mobile overview
    • current limit and inverter mode buttons removed/replaced with details pages
  • DC system detail added: shows DC system devices
    • as well as other devices not shown on the flow overview
  • added detail acces via the CCGX hard buttons
  • dropped support for Venus OS v2.4x and 2.5x
  • added more detail to the Relay overview generator status
  • fixed: Generator buttons don't work on Relay Overview page for some Venus OS versions
  • fixed: PV Inverter tile on GuiMods Simple overview formatting errors

If you have automatic downloads and updates enabled in PackageManager you should get the update automatically. If not, manually update via PackageManager or download from:

Please report any issues here or in the issues section of the GuiMods repo on GitHub. Thanks.

Screen shots of some of the new pages

DC Coupled flow overview


Enhanced Movible Overview


Enhanced Generator Overview


gui mods
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23 Answers
Kevin Windrem avatar image
Kevin Windrem answered ·

As Derrick suggests, knowing the Venus OS version would be helpful.

v7.75 is the latest version and supports all V3.10 beta versions as well as v3.01, v3.00, v2.94, v2.89 and v2.73. Other versions may also be compatible but are not specifically supported.

I have had reports of 'file set incomplete' even for Venus OS versions that do work on other systems. Generally, forcing a firmware update solves the issue. To do this, switch to the backup firmware then use the on-line update to reinstall the latest release or release candidate version.

My packages attempt to support multiple versions of Venus OS but to do so, it attempts to match the stock files it will replace to ones in the package's "file sets". If none are found, the file set incomplete message appears.

One reason for file set incomplete is that another modification has changed one of the files the package needs to modify. When this happens, the install script can't find a matching version.

Also, package's don't support all older versions. Typically, the package will support the most recent version of each major release (v2.73 but not necessarily v2.70). If a major version is released, I don't support beta versions. E.g., if v2.73 exists, I don't support v2.73~12.

You can examine the installation log to pinpoint the specific file:


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Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

I really appreciate your great work but in my opinion this is to much information on one small screen.

I'm sure many users like that but I not me.

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Kevin Windrem avatar image Kevin Windrem commented ·

Matthias, I really appreciate your comment and I agree with you in principal.

There was a high demand for additional information such as voltage, current and frequency. That's what got me started on GuiMods in the first place.

These screens do get pretty busy especially on a 3-phase system. The AC and DC coupled overviews were an attempt to show more pieces of the system with less information per piece. Yes, the screen fills up with lots of pieces.

My personal preference would be an overview page that has few numbers (maybe none at all). Gauges provide relative status which is generally what's of interest to users. They care they are approaching overload but not that its 2981 watts. But I think there would be those that would complain they don't see the power number on the overview. That was the compromise I made for the AC and DC coupled overviews. Details are provided with popup windows so maybe that would be OK for some.

In the US, grid power is generally pretty stable so voltages and frequency information is usually of no interest but when running on generator they could be. Again gauges might be better.

Some users prefer power numbers, some prefer amperage. Maybe this should be a user preference and only show one.

I think most USERS would be happy with a screen that says "all is well" with a nice picture of their installation which changes to show alerts when things aren't all good. They only want to know the AC input was rejected -- and why (low voltage, frequency, etc), or that their AC load is too high or that their batteries are about to run out of energy or their waste water tank is about to overflow.

Probably to suit all users, I'd need pages and pages of user preferences to define exactly what's on each screen.

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hardy-tuner avatar image
hardy-tuner answered ·

It is always the full screen with all widgets?

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Kevin Windrem avatar image Kevin Windrem commented ·
You have the option of showing/diming/hiding inactive tiles on the three enhanced overview pages. The Mobile Overview and Generator Overview always show all tiles.
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gainestr avatar image
gainestr answered ·

Is there any way to provide a little more info on the DC Coupled view? I’d like to see Amps for both DC and PV Input like is available on the Simple overview.
I do not have a Victron inverter so the DC coupled view is best for me since my AC loads are combined with DC loads. It would be nice if the PV and DC info boxes could be enlarged as well. This would allow for added information to be displayed.

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Kevin Windrem avatar image Kevin Windrem commented ·
Sorry, but there is really no way to provide more detail without a significant amount of work to dynamically resize tiles based on what devices are present in the system and/or user selection of which devices to show on the screen. At least for now, I'm not prepared to put the work into it.
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gainestr avatar image gainestr Kevin Windrem commented ·

I understand. I’ll just have to dig around the code myself and see what kind of trouble I can find. I really appreciate the work that you have already put into this. You are under appreciated my friend!

I‘m basically trying to have the same information that is in the simple overview(PV Charger and DC System) but with the DC coupled screen Layout And the battery tile in the middle. Not really concerned too much with changing the sizes of tiles themselves.

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johanndo avatar image
johanndo answered ·

Hi, Kevin. Looks good.

Especially the re-arrangement of the battery and all other devices is now closer to reality then the Victron layout with dedicated dcSystem / battery connection.

AC charger is probably the path charger ?

alternator the path alternator or dcsource, dc system either the lump sum or dcsystem or dcload path, fuel cell likely fuelcell, but what path is used for the wind generator box, Victron has nothing published yet for this device type?

Have you tried to generate data for this dbus paths / devices and get them to VRM? I am struggling with all the dc sources, they seem not really supported / tested in VRM yet in the "Advanced" tab dcload is the only one that works atm.

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Kevin Windrem avatar image Kevin Windrem commented ·

Victron added devices like alternator AC charger and alternator to systemcalc just recently. They begin life as their own dbus services:

  • com.victronenergy.fuelcell
  • com.victronenergy.charger
  • com.victronenergy.alternator

Others begin life as a shunt programmed as a specific DC source (e.g., wind generator) and appear on dbus as

  • com.victronenergy.dcsystem

And yes, alternator can come in through it's own service (e.g., WakeSpeed) or via a shunt and dcsystem. The /Settings/MonitorMode parameter in a dcsystem service further defines what that service is and allows splitting them out into finer detail. dcsource and dcload are generic settings for MonitorMode.

systemcalc has always "estimated" a value for "DC system" by adding up all known sources. Recent changes have added an option to provide an actual DC system value via a shunt programmed for DC system power. The details page for DC system indicates whether the value shown is measured or calculated (estimated).

The DC system details page has two sections: one listing all devices contributing to the DC system value (if any -- none of the value is calculated). The bottom half of the page shows devices NOT shown on the overview. Those devices depend on which overview is selected.

What is shown on VRM is out of my control. They have access to the same dbus services/parameters as the GUI does but does it's own data collection/display.

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alik avatar image
alik answered ·

Hi Kevin, big Thanks for your work.

Maybe it is possible to add data from second smartshunt (starter battery) in flow overview?

Best regards

By the way, isn't widget "DC system" a little to wide?


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itsme avatar image itsme commented ·

I‘ve modified the qml files to show the starter battery (if voltage is too low it will change color to orange or red):


You need some extra lines inside the "OverviewHubEnhanced.qml"

I did a long post with screenshots, but I was not able to publish it. Maybe later...

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Russell Grant avatar image Russell Grant itsme commented ·
Hi itsme, would you be able to share your qml file or at least the code section for the starter battery? I have been trying to do my own qml editing to display the starter battery but not having much luck. Cheers
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mamisch avatar image mamisch itsme commented ·

Hi itsme,

Dein gui-mod sieht so toll aus! Wirklich chic und übersichtlich mit allem was man braucht ;)

Ich habe mich extra dafür hier in dem Forum angemeldet um mit dir in Kontakt zu treten und dich um Hilfe zu bitten, dass ich mein gui auch so hinbekomme.

Ich habe einen Cerbo gx mit gx touch70 in meinem Kastenwagen verbaut. Software ist die neueste Venus drauf und auch die gui-mods von kwindrem schon installiert. Soweit so gut ;)

Ich habe einen gx tank140 mit Frisch und Abwasser, einen Mopeka Pro für den Gasfüllstand sowie 3 Ruuvis für Temperaturmessungen installiert. Da ich keinen Multiplus nutze ist nur das DC-System für mich interessant. Die Batteriemessungen erfolgen mit einen Smartshunt 500A und ich messe auch die Spannung der Starterbatterie mit dem zusätzlichen Eingang des Smartshunts. Der Shunt ist mit mit dem Cerbo verbunden. Eine Solartasche ist an einem SmartSolar 75/15 angeschlossen, welcher direkt über das EBL am Solareingang verbunden ist und mit am Cerbo hängt.

Ich möchte alles übersichtlich auf nur einer Hauptseite mit einem Blick sehen, genauso wie das auf deinem gui aussieht.

Ohne Multiplus oder Wechselrichter kann ich die AC-Lasten vom Landstrom nicht anzeigen, oder?

Die Datumsanzeige links oben ist sehr nice. Die Batterietexte auf Deutsch und auch die Anzeige der Starterbatterie sowie die Solartexte auf Deutsch würde ich mir wünschen. Die Temperaturanzeigen sehen einfach cool aus in dem grau. Könnte ich so alle 6 Sensoren (Frisch, Abwasser, Gas, 3x Temp) nebeneinander anzeigen lassen?

Ich würde gerne mein System genauso anzeigen wie bei dir ohne die 4 Relays, denn die hab ich nicht. Geht das? Kann man den „blauen Multiplus Hauptanzeige“ auch irgendwie ausblenden? Oder irgendwie vielleicht als Van darstellen oder sowas? Das wäre nice!

Ein bisschen Erfahrung mit SSH hab ich (von früheren Handy-Softwaren), aber ich weiß nicht wie ich die Dateien an meinem Cerbo bearbeite. Direkt auf dem Cerbo? Oder die Dateien am PC/mac bearbeiten und dann auf den Cerbo rüberschieben?

Ich hoffe so sehr auf deine Hilfe, ich habe gesehen hier im Forum wird so tolle Arbeit von einigen Nutzern gemacht, das ist wirklich der Wahnsinn!

DANKE, wenn du dich meldest!

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itsme avatar image itsme mamisch commented ·

Hallo mamisch,

sorry, für die späte Antwort, war länger krank, da mich eine richtig böse Grippe erwischt hat...
Anpassen, können wir alles, so wie Du es Dir vorstellst. Beste Voraussetzungen sind gegeben, wenn Du Dich via SSH mit dem Cerbo verbindest. Dazu benötigst Du noch putty für den Terminalzugriff, ein FTP-Programm, wie z.B. WinSCP und idealerweise einen guten Editor (Atom, Notepad++,...). Man muss sich aber im Klaren sein, dass man dann nicht mehr einfach die GUI-Mods updaten sollte. Da werden dann die Dateien ggf. wieder überschrieben.

Für die AC Lasten benötigst Du einen Victron Wechselrichter, wie Du schon erkannt hast.

Die Sensoren kannst Du nebeneinander oder im Wechsel anzeigen lassen. Ich habe es mir so programmiert, dass ich durch drücken auf die Leiste mit den Temperatur- oder Tankanzeigen diese einfach hin- und herwechseln kann. Ein Mix aus Temperatur und Tankanzeige als Gesamtanzeige würde schon mehr Aufwand benötigen, ist aber nicht ausgeschlossen.

Die Relais muss man nicht einbinden. Den Multiplus gegen ein Bild (z.B. vom Van) auszutauschen ist auch machbar.

Mein System besteht aus einem Raspberry Pi, Phoenix Wechselrichter, GX-Tank 140, zwei Solartaschen mit jeweils Smartsolar 75/15 und dem Shunt vom Batteriemonitor BMV-712. Dazu noch eine GPS-Antenne. Als Sensoren verwende ich Votronic, SuperSense, Mopeka Pro und Ruuvi.

Da mir der weiße Hintergrund zu grell war, hab ich mir das System so angepasst, dass ich einen "Dark-Mode" habe.


Die Tankanzeige habe ich um AdBlue und LPG/Gas erweitert (hier noch im "hellen" Design):


Und dann gibts da noch die App, die ich über NodeRed ansteuere (hier nur mal ein kleiner Teaser):


Wie Du siehst, sind die Möglichkeiten sehr umfangreich. Ich werde die Tage mal ein kleines Übersichtsvideo machen und dann den Link hier einstellen...

Ich möchte an der Stelle aber auch nicht den eigentlichen Thread von Kevin kapern.

Ggf. sollten wir das in einem eigenen Beitrag weiterführen...

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mamisch avatar image mamisch itsme commented ·
Hi itsme,

Danke für deine ausführliche Antwort ;)

Wie hast du denn den AdBlue-Füllstand eingebunden?

Ich habe nun die Starterbatterie an den Smartshunt angeschlossen und möchte diesen Wert gerne wie bei dir gesehen auf der Übersichtsseite als „Starter“ anzeigen. Wie bekomme ich das Symbol und den Wert in die Übersicht? Kannst du mir das bitte erklären/beschreiben?

Und das Bild des Multiplus würde ich gerne durch ein eigenes Logo ersetzen? Kannst du mir sagen wo ich die entsprechende Datei finde und welche Formateigenschaften ich beachten muss? Kann ich das Bild dann einfach überschreiben?

Schonmal VIELEN DANK für deine Hilfe!


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bertolucci avatar image bertolucci mamisch commented ·
Servus miteinander,

ich bin auch sehr begeistert von der Oberfläche. Respekt.

Habt ihr das in einem eigenen Thread weitergeführt?

Ich würd mich auch dafür interessieren.



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philfox avatar image philfox itsme commented ·
Hallo zusammen,

wurde die Diskussion in einen anderen Thread ausgelagert?
Gibt es irgendwo ein HowTo wie man die Buttons in die Übersicht mit einbaut?

@ItsMe würdes du deine angepassten .qml Dateien teilen?

Gruß Phil

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buddhafragt avatar image buddhafragt itsme commented ·
Hello Itsme, ich wäre auch interessiert an dem Code für die Starterbatterie, bitte veröffentliche da doch mal was!
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offpist avatar image offpist itsme commented ·
Hi. I am also interested in the code to add "starter battery". Already have an Smartshunt for this.
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honu avatar image honu itsme commented ·

Is there a place you share your files ?


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honu avatar image honu Kevin Windrem commented ·
Thanks Kevin, I've already installed you very good guimods, I was asking to "it's me" if his own modifications were available..

Or maybe I missed something and they are available on your gith..?

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itsme avatar image itsme honu commented ·

Hi, what kind of modification do you need? Sharing my files would make no sense, because they're heavily modified to my system. Maybe I can help you if I know exactly what you want to implement.
I've made a little video of my actual mods (Truma, Weather, Shelly,...) which will be online this weekend.

By the way, this is the actual MainScreen:


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honu avatar image honu itsme commented ·

Its no problem to share with me, i just want to see ow you did things, i'm .. i was.. since i'm retired now, a software programmer and more examples of code give me more insight on how things are done.
My email ( if you do not want people to mess with their system.


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phoenix-is-it avatar image phoenix-is-it itsme commented ·
Phantastisch! Dieses Display hätte ich auch gerne.

Ich bin sehr gespannt, auf das genannte Video.

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thomas-b avatar image thomas-b phoenix-is-it commented ·
Hallo, gibt es bereits einen Link zu dem angekündigten Video? Da würde ich mich sehr über freuen.
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itsme avatar image itsme thomas-b commented ·
Link is following in the next hour. I'll create a separate thread, because I don't want to "disturb" this thread with my modifications.
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maxtosea avatar image maxtosea Kevin Windrem commented ·
Is the lastest GUI mod V9. 1?
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Kevin Windrem avatar image Kevin Windrem maxtosea commented ·
Yes v9.1 is currently the latest.
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Kevin Windrem avatar image Kevin Windrem commented ·
There really isn't space to show additional information on the basic overview.

I'm not sure what's going on with the tiel sizes. They all seem too wide, but especially the DC System one. It does not look like that on my screens. I thought maybe it had something to do with the language selection but that doesn't seem to be the case. Even things like the connection ends are elongated.

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alik avatar image alik commented ·

Maybe as option in DC Coupled modus?

I have tried english too, the same...

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liam-tuvey avatar image
liam-tuvey answered ·

Hi @Kevin Windrem I've been looking into a way to have a GUI button on that would call a script on the Cerbo. (I want to be able to stow my starlink dish via the GUI)

I've been reading through the GUImods info on github / here. But I cant see a way to easily add a button to the GUI that would call a script.

Before I devote more time to working this out and learning about QML I wanted to know if this was possible?

Many thanks in advance for your work on this. Really cool

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Kevin Windrem avatar image Kevin Windrem commented ·
I do not know of a way for QML code to call a script or access the file system. There are probably ways to use C++ extensions but don't know anything about that.

One way is to create a service that creates a dbus service with a parameter that QML can then set.

Another way is to use one of the relays to interface with your dish. GuiMods provides a relay overview page that brings the relays closer to the user.

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liam-tuvey avatar image liam-tuvey Kevin Windrem commented ·
Thanks. That's much appreciated and has saved me hours of trying to do something that's not easily possible!
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gainestr avatar image
gainestr answered ·

What is the best way to incorporate a “dark mode” option?

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Kevin Windrem avatar image Kevin Windrem commented ·
You'd need to rewrite a lot of the QML code to switch from a white to dark gray background. I've seen people do it but it involves many things including flow lines. I've never looked into the details.
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gainestr avatar image gainestr Kevin Windrem commented ·
It was more of a want than a need. I’ll be happy with the mods you’ve already done. Thanks Kevin for your hard work!
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josselin23 avatar image
josselin23 answered ·

Great work !

I have a question, with the recent RUUVI tag integration, i would control the fan heater with a relay, like a thermostat througt the GX Touch.

I would set a temperature and compare with the Ruuvi tag temperature and if it's > activate a relay (like the cerbo one) and if it's < desactivate the relay.

Do you think it's possible ?

Thanks for response...

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Kevin Windrem avatar image Kevin Windrem commented ·
Yes. That functionality is in the stock Venus OS. Not sure when it was added.
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josselin23 avatar image josselin23 Kevin Windrem commented ·
Hi, thanks, i found it and it works.

But it will be good to have the settings of the condition temp on a page with the current temp and the status of the relay.

Do you think it will be possible ?

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Kevin Windrem avatar image Kevin Windrem josselin23 commented ·
I'll look at this but it's not going to be a priority.

The current temperature rules are involved with multiple temps assigned to a single relay and with two temperatures that need to be set. Making this function like a wall thermostat isn't straight forward. Might be best to use an actual thermostat. There are many that can be accessed over the internet for changing the temperature or the schedule.

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P.H.J. Sibbing avatar image
P.H.J. Sibbing answered ·

The Amp's shown in the panel of AC load are Incorrect . although the valus in the AC load details are correct.clipboard03.jpgclipboard04.jpg

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Kevin Windrem avatar image Kevin Windrem commented ·
What version of Venus OS (firmware) are you running? What version of GuiMods?

None of the current values seem to be correct. In the detail, 3.6 amps for L1 should be a power close to 800 watts.

It is odd that frequency is not showing.

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P.H.J. Sibbing avatar image
P.H.J. Sibbing answered ·

Kevin ,

Installed my system yesterday on a brand new Cerbo (to replace the bricked one), updated the firmeware to version .37 Large , installed the Helper and the GUImod, installed the 2 ABB meters and made the screen shots.

Now the funny part. this morning i upgraded to .39 and gone was the GUImod. back to victron GUI.

Maybe i forgot to check the Display settings , went into package manager to see if i could reenable the GUIMOde , but no luck even after uninstalling and removing the download and removeing the Helper.(via SSH) even removening the folders in /data no luck , when you reinstall helper GUIMOd automatically shows up in the Package manager.

If you reinstall GUimod in package manager it gives "missing files".

Have you upgrade to 7.47 ?

now the files are back. faulty reading is not gone. shows double the value

anyway Modgui is working


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Kevin Windrem avatar image Kevin Windrem commented ·
It sometimes takes a while to recognize a new package version. The current version of GuiMods is v7.47 which should fix the incompatible file set issue. As for the abnormal readings, I don't have a clue but looks like you are OK now anyway.
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P.H.J. Sibbing avatar image
P.H.J. Sibbing answered ·

i left it on auto update and auto install , that is probably why it is re-installed.

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P.H.J. Sibbing avatar image
P.H.J. Sibbing answered ·

Readings are wrong , but my pv inverter, meter does not show amps, although they should be read ?

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Kevin Windrem avatar image Kevin Windrem commented ·
Need to see screen shots of the overview and detail pages and what you expect the values to be.

Also, a screen shot of the stock flow overview would be helpful. Best to uninstall GuiMods for this.

Also need screen shots of the system area of dbus-spy that shows the output power values.

Note that the GuiMods Simple overview combines critical and non-critical loads in the AC Loads tile. You need to use AC Coupled to see them separately.

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P.H.J. Sibbing avatar image P.H.J. Sibbing Kevin Windrem commented ·

Just installed 3.10~17 and Guimods 7.73 , AC load problem re-occured. showing 10 A too high.

after disabling Node-red with (Dyn ESS) and manually setting a setpoint the discrepancy disappeared.

will register more accuratly when it re-occurs.

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P.H.J. Sibbing avatar image
P.H.J. Sibbing answered ·


i knew, but it was late and not much activity/load.

Picture of P1-Monitor is the AC in load of my grid meter, is not connected to the Cerbo,

the PV inverter is measured by an ABB B24, also the Gridmeter AC in load

The PV Values correspond with the PV meter values. Should the PV invert details show Amp values and voltages ? They are shown in the meter details. PV meter.jpg


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ste7of1 avatar image
ste7of1 answered ·

Hello Kevin,

indirectly related to your latest upgrade….i currently have rev 7.21 of guimods loaded with auto update turned on. 7.75 is shown as stored, but, hasn’t updated automatically. If i try to install manually I receive error, ‘GUIMODS fileset incomplete’. Not sure how to proceed. Tried downloading the update again (7.75) but with same results. Do I need to reinstall everything or can I ignore all of this and get new update and try to install.



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derrick thomas avatar image derrick thomas commented ·
It would be helpful to mention what version of Venus os you are on. If you are on the latest release candidate that may be why you are getting that error. Kevin needs a little time to update the filesets when there is a new update pushed out.
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ste7of1 avatar image
ste7of1 answered ·

Thanks for the response ( both Derrick Thomas and Kevin Windrem). I have v 2.92 installed. Wasn’t sure I was ready for 3.0 yet. would like to not break my current config, but, in any event, Kevin, your information should get me through the issue if I choose to move forward. I was just afraid the update was necessary, but, it seems like I can wait until I upgrade to 3.0.

thanks for your response and all the great work you have done - I really like the information presented by GUIMODS on my display.


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maa avatar image
maa answered ·

Hello Kevin,

Thank you very much for your work which is really a huge added value for the GX GUI.

I have 2 questions to ask you:

- Is it possible to delete the L2 and L3 columns in the GUIMODS interface when in single phase because they take up a lot of space for nothing and make L1 difficult to read

- The AC-Coupling inverters are merged into the main GUI and it is a shame not to see their power bar. Is it possible?

Thanks for your feedback

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Kevin Windrem avatar image Kevin Windrem commented ·
L2 and L3 columns should already be hidden if they do not exist. If they are showing up for you, indicate where and I'll look into it. If the a device's menu shows L2 and L3 they will be shown on the flow and details pages. I have no control over that.

PV inverters should have a gauge also. You need to set the max value to see the gauge however.

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maa avatar image maa Kevin Windrem commented ·

Thank you Kevin for your feedback.

I am in single phase but I still see these columns L2 and L3 see photo and as you can see it's not very readable :


Concerning the max values of the inverters they are well informed and I see the gauges clearly when I go into the details of the PV inverters but nothing on the main page is this normal?


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Kevin Windrem avatar image Kevin Windrem maa commented ·
The PV inverter detail does have some bugs and I'll resolve the crowding.

I also see a bug in the PV Inverter tile on the overview page that hides the gauge if there is PV inverter and PV charger. I'll fix that also.

However there is an issue with the PV Inverter tile's gauge since there are two possible values to show and only space for one. You have both input and output PV Inverters so only the output one would be shown. Fixing this is a lot of work.

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Kevin Windrem avatar image Kevin Windrem Kevin Windrem commented ·
I just pushed a beta version that should improve the readability of the PV Inverter details page and provide a gauge on the PV Inverter tile that sums the powers of both the Grid and AC output inverters.

Please set the branch/tag for GuiMods in PackageManager to 'beta' and let me know if it's working. I've tested as much as I can but don't have any PV inverters

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maa avatar image maa Kevin Windrem commented ·

Thank you very much for your action, I will do this as soon as I am back on site.

Practical question, how can I once tested the beta return to a stabilized version?

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Kevin Windrem avatar image Kevin Windrem maa commented ·
Simply change the branch/tag back to latest. If you have auto download and auto install enabled the system will automatically update. If not, you will need to download and install manually.
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maa avatar image maa Kevin Windrem commented ·

Yes it's cool now with power bar :


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maa avatar image maa Kevin Windrem commented ·

Ok i understand, thanks for taking time to respond to me

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maa avatar image
maa answered ·

strangely my AC Loads only shows L1 :


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Kevin Windrem avatar image Kevin Windrem commented ·
Do you have more than 1 phase on your AC output? If so, please provide details on your system.

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maa avatar image maa Kevin Windrem commented ·

The only thing that comes to mind is that I use the L2 of my three-phase meter to count my AC Coupling located on AC-in

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maa avatar image maa Kevin Windrem commented ·

NEWS : the problem does not come from the TRI counter because a colleague who has an ET112 (MONO) in MONO rowing also sees the empty L2 and L3 displayed

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Kevin Windrem avatar image Kevin Windrem commented ·
if you don't have a 3-phase Multi/Quattro setup then the display you show is correct.

The reason L1 is shown is so the voltage, current and frequency can be shown.

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maa avatar image maa Kevin Windrem commented ·

I don't understand what you mean?

My problem is that I have empty lines showing L2 and L3 while I am in single phase so how can I clear these lines both on the GX GUI and GuiMods



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Kevin Windrem avatar image Kevin Windrem maa commented ·
If you can't disable them in the meter itself then there is no way to hide them.
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maa avatar image maa Kevin Windrem commented ·

too bad, too bad for me

Your final version integrating the power bar for the inverter will be what number?

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Kevin Windrem avatar image Kevin Windrem maa commented ·
I just checked that in as v10.28. Set the branch/tag to latest.
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maa avatar image maa Kevin Windrem commented ·

frankly great, a big THANK YOU Kevin for all your work and your ability to listen. Long live GuiMods!!!

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Kevin Windrem avatar image
Kevin Windrem answered ·

GuiMods 10.28 is now released. Please set the branch/tag for GuiMods back to latest.

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maa avatar image
maa answered ·

Hello Kevin,

I'm coming back to you because everything works perfectly EXCEPT that the power bar which is displayed on the main screen does not add up all the PV Inverters and only focuses on the most powerful.

For example, if you have 1 PV inverter of 3kw on AC-in and 1 other of 4kw on ac-Out your bar will be calculated on 4Kw and not 7 which means that it is always red. Is this possible to correct?

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Kevin Windrem avatar image Kevin Windrem commented ·
Inspecting the code didn't reveal any problems but I did make some changes so simplify the calculations. These are in GuiMods v10.29.

The gauge limit is a sum of the grid and output max powers, and the bar length is the sum pf the powers for grid and output provided by systemcalc.

Make sure you have a max power set properly for both the grid and ac output.

Let me know if the changes I made helped. If not, I'll dig into it more.

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maa avatar image maa Kevin Windrem commented ·

I may have explained myself poorly, there is no problem with the grid bar or any other, it is only the new PV inverter bar that is in question, the total power of the PV inverters

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Kevin Windrem avatar image Kevin Windrem maa commented ·
please provide screen shots of the issue plus screen shots of the PV inverter pages in the device list, and also a screen shot showing the max power levels you set for the PV inverters in Display & language /GuiMods/Power Gauges.

Also, did GuiMocs v10.29 change anything?

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maa avatar image maa Kevin Windrem commented ·

Good boss, here we go !

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maa avatar image maa maa commented ·

main screen


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maa avatar image maa maa commented ·

In Power Gauges


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maa avatar image maa maa commented ·

In device list


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maa avatar image maa maa commented ·

With issue


you see it does not add the 2 inverter PVs, this should make a total of 3+4=7kw at max and therefore not be in the red

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Kevin Windrem avatar image Kevin Windrem maa commented ·
Is this with the GuiMods v10.29?

Can you make changes to the two PV inverter max powers to get the bar in the green, then adjust one then the other a little to see the bar changes lengths with either or both of the adjustments? I just need to figure out which limit is not being considered and I can't test that here.

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maa avatar image maa Kevin Windrem commented ·

Yes with pleasure, what values do you want me to test and with what screenshot feedback?

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Kevin Windrem avatar image Kevin Windrem maa commented ·
In the screen shot above, total PV power is 5.4 kW so setting BOTH PV inverter limits to 6000 should put the gauge in the green.

Then change the PV input limit to say 8000 and see if the length of the bar shortens.

Then put the PV input limit back to 6000 and increase the PV output limit to 8000 and see if the bar shortens.

Adjust these values based on the current power shown in the PV Inverter tile while you are testing.

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maa avatar image maa Kevin Windrem commented ·

it's done, then the bar only resizes to the value of AC OUT, nothing happens when I increase the value of Ac-in and therefore there is no addition between the PV on AC- in and the one on AC-out.

Only the AC-out value is taken into account for the bar calibration

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Kevin Windrem avatar image Kevin Windrem maa commented ·

I simulated PV power and verified the gauges in the PV Inverter tile and those in the PV Inverter detail page are in fact working correctly.

This is in GuiMods v10.30 which I just released.

I set the limits to 130 for grid and 230 for output and as you can see the L1 gauge just touches the red portion



This holds even for a single phase PV inverter:



Please try with GuiMods v10.30.

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maa avatar image maa Kevin Windrem commented ·

it's perfect, you've succeeded, everything works perfectly, the bar adds the 2 PV Inverters well.

On the other hand, since installing GuiMods, I have noticed less responsiveness when I press my GX Touch. How do I know what is slowing down GUI processing? It even got stuck once, screen frozen!

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Kevin Windrem avatar image Kevin Windrem maa commented ·
I have noticed this as well. The amount of information displayed on the overview screens seems to be slowing things down a bit. Victron has also made some changes recently in preparation for gui-v2 that may be adding to the slowness. It is what it is I'm afraid. One way to reduce computations is to turn off overview pages you don't need. The "GuiMods simple" overview displays a LOT of information. Switching to a different overview reduces what's on screen all the time and can speed things up slightly at the expense of not seeing power, current, voltage and frequency for everything.
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maa avatar image maa Kevin Windrem commented ·

ok, well noted, indeed by switching to another type of view it looks better.

Thank you Kevin for your action and your availability, have a good weekend

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gexle avatar image
gexle answered ·

What is this check frequency??

added GitHub check frequency

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michelle avatar image
michelle answered ·

@Kevin Windrem how can I disable unused connections using Tank 140?

With 10.42 the wired temperature measured with gx disapeared, BT still working


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Kevin Windrem avatar image
Kevin Windrem answered ·

Go to Settings / I/O / Analog inputs

There you will find on/off switches for each channel of the 140.

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