
James avatar image
James asked

VRM won't give access to my Installation

Hello, I'm hoping someone can help me. I've just finished installing my ESS which includes a Multiplus 2 GX. 2 days ago I was able to see my ESS in the VRM (connected via Ethernet cable via my router to my laptop). Today I logged into the VRM in order carry on setting up things, but although I could see my installation, it would not update (last updated said 2 days ago). I could not figure out how to sort this so thought I would try deleting my installation and then adding it again. However I can't get the VRM to let me add the installation. My PC can see the multiplus on the network, I put in the correct VRN ID code, but access is denied. In hindsight when I was trying to get the VRM to update data for my installation I noticed that 2-way communication was disabled (this wasn't the case 2 days ago though), so I wonder if its because of this, and I wish I had tried to go to venus.local before I deleted my instillation from my VRM. Do I need to ask Victron to unlock something? Hoping one of you has overcome the same issue, and know how I can sort this.

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2 Answers
Duivert NL avatar image
Duivert NL answered ·

If you can connect to your multiplus by local network, (wired or directly to multiplus wifi if thats still on) you can turn on 2 ways comms in remote console

Then you should be able to see it in vrm again

VRM is only via internet (browser) or app not a local direct connection

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James avatar image James commented ·
just a follow up please. If I can connect with multiplus wifi or bluetooth, then I can make changes via venus.local, is this correct?
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Duivert NL avatar image Duivert NL James commented ·
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James avatar image James Duivert NL commented ·
Thank you.
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James avatar image
James answered ·

Thank you I will try that. I have not been able to connect to the multiplus wifi so far though as windows is not happy with the security, (this is the same when I tried with my iphone), So somehow I need to get round that issue too.

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·
What you also need to do when you get back to base is set up reboot on no contact in the vrm portal submenu.
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James avatar image James Alexandra ♦ commented ·
Thank you for that - I will do.
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