
tehlh avatar image
tehlh asked

PLC with Cerbo-S_GX vs Color Control GX

I would like to know which one of the product can be use as gateway to connect to PLC/HMI through ethernet modbus tcp/ip? Is it Cerbo-S_GX or Color Control GX?

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kevgermany avatar image kevgermany ♦♦ commented ·

Moved to modifications, it's out of scope for the q&a forum.

It might help you get better answers if you describe what you're trying to achieve.

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tehlh avatar image tehlh kevgermany ♦♦ commented ·

I am trying to add-in an HMI to the Victron network with energy meter VM-3P75CT (modbus server). So, the thing is to have an HMI do I need the Cerbo-S_GX (modbus client) or Color Control GX (modbus client)? Currently with Cerbo-S GX (modbus client) the HMI (modbus client) is not able to get any value for modbus register 3200 to 3211. Already enabled modbus in setting/services and Cerbo-S GX is able to detect VM-3P75CT but the HMI is not able to get any value from the genset modbus register.



Will the HMI be able to get the modbus register value if using Color Control GX as gateway? Or do I need to add-in a modbus splitter to have the register value send to 2 modbus client which is Cerbo-S GX and HMI? Or just another protocol converter from Victron modbus tcp/ip udp to modbus tcp/ip to connect to HMI?



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