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tehlh asked

How to configure third party HMI for Victron

I am trying to configure my HMI from Weintek cMT3072XH2 to get display from Victron energy meter VM-3P75CT with Cerbo-S GX through modbus UDP. The problem is that the modbus register list provided does not give any value when all items connected to network via router. I can only get some values when I configure to read the modbus register address 12385 - 12390 which is not listed in the modbus register list provided. Also when extracting data from network if I put my HMI to get data from Cerbo-S GX IP address the result is nothing but when I use the IP address of VM-3P75CT then I got some value with register address 12385 - 12390 (not those listed in the register list). Can I have the register list for VM-3P75CT please?

Can someone help me with the configuration needed?

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