
ee21 avatar image
ee21 asked

PV inverter registers but shows 0 output in VRM

I just went through and reset my Venus GX to factory and cleared everything. Updated firmware on the GX to 3.33 and the latest firmware on my SolarEdge inverter. Went through the configuration steps to connect it to the Venus GX. It registers now and shows the output, but in VRM and remote console, PV shows 0 watts and it mucks up the AC output reading too, which is definitely more than 0w right now.

Does anyone know how I can fix this? This is a US 120v/2-phase system connected on both phases, why L2 doesn't show current I'm not sure but it's feeding back there too at about 30A. It is connected to AC Out, switching the setting back and forth does nothing.



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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·

Seeing the ess #7 what else has been done to the system?

What inverter do you have? Some US models are not compatible according to the manual at least for frequency shifting, so feedback is to be expected.

No feedback requires the meter. Do you have one?

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ee21 avatar image ee21 Alexandra ♦ commented ·

I have the SolarEdge SE10000H-US without an LCD screen (newer model). The PV inverter worked with my system pretty much perfectly before it broke and was replaced under warranty with the screen-less newer version, which broke both AC frequency shifting, and any sort of working functionality with the HUD it seems.

I am looking at moving the PV inverter back to the AC-in side of the Victron System as soon as possible* but that's slightly easier said than done, after battling with SolarEdge and failing. It sounds like you're saying doing so, and then updating the ESS assistant might fix this?

At this point I've given up trying to be able to run the system off-grid, and just want to be able to use my battery for self-consumption during peak costs in evening after the sun goes down. Trying to get the Victron system to properly see and read the output of the PV inverter is all I'm focused on, but it seems to be reporting the data mostly correctly in VRM, just not the remote console.

And I do not have any sort of physical meter besides the 'virtual' one that the PV inverter is supposed to present to the Victron system over ModbusTCP and ethernet. step 5 here:

Sorry for the delay, I didn't get any notifications my thread had a reply!

*This would be an emergency normally, but the PV inverter is so sensitive LOM causes it to shutdown with a 5 minute cooldown before it starts to ramp up output slowly. The end result is the Victron tries to frequency shift if the battery is close to full, but the PV inverter doesn't respond as it starts to ramp up, until the Victron system tips the frequency up to the point the PV inverter shuts down and starts the 5 minute timer again, without causing any harm or overloads. It's annoying and doesn't 'work' off-grid anymore, but doesn't seem to be an immediate cause for alarm.

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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ ee21 commented ·

Ideally everything in the system should be updated. (Inverter FW and assistant included)

No grid meter means the zero feed in does not work according to the manual.

Use the aux contact as suggested to control the inverter or

Another way is use the ac out 2 and have that set up with the generator assistant based on SOC and uses that to switch it on and off to prevent overcharging.
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ee21 avatar image ee21 Alexandra ♦ commented ·
I was referring to moving the SolarEdge to AC-in, and then updating the settings in ESS so that it wasn't looking for the inverter on AC-out anymore - the version of the ESS module, MultiPlus and GX firmware are all the very latest at time of writing.

That is what it sounds like I need to try next to get the SolarEdge reporting properly again hopefully. That's all I care about, is seeing the output in the console logged correctly so that ESS works the way I want for self-consumption at night after the solar output has dropped. I don't think you need a grid meter for that, or I did not before at least with this same system.

Also tried the aux contact method, it does nothing on newer US models. SolarEdge support confirmed this was a known issue with US models for whatever reason.

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