
zackflowfuse avatar image
zackflowfuse asked

Victron customer Differ Community Power requires assistance to scale


My company FlowFuse is working with Differ Community Power, for whom Victron supplies devices for their off-grid solar startup.

Differ is looking to scale from 100 Victron devices to thousands, but needs additional software to help them manage this. was founded by the creators of Node-RED to provide a central management dashboard, enhanced security, and fleet maintenance for edge devices.

Currently, Victron has open-source Node-RED listed in your marketplace. To support Differ in their growth goals, we want to ensure that our "device agent" (our remote Node-RED instance so to speak) will play nicely with Victron machines.

We've already had success in getting a FlowFuse device agent installed on a Victron device, but we want to learn more about the underlying dependencies and updates to ensure future success with all 3 of our companies together.

We would love to chat with your engineering or product teams to go over technical considerations, would you be able to please get me in touch with the right person at Victron?

Also if it helps, Differ's Victron provider is BOS, who told us to reach out to you directly.

Thank you,
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Justin Cook avatar image Justin Cook ♦♦ commented ·

Just FYI, the Community isn't a particularly good way to contact/interact with Victron staff directly, as we're mostly owners/installers/enthusiasts here - but I'll bring this post to the attention of some appropriate people and you'll likely receive a direct contact outside of the Community.

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3 Answers
mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image
mvader (Victron Energy) answered ·

Good day Zack!

Interesting project! And thank you @Justin Cook for the ping.

Yes we can help you and it would be great to be in touch.

I’ll send you an email.

And make sure to have you developers take a look at this:

Its an open source “template” for a timeseries database + service taking care of data ingress + grafana dashboarding server; used by both professional customers looking for more custom fleet management as well as end-users wanting self-monitor their own single system.

After a period of neglect from our side, we’ve been investing the last six orso months to bring it all up to speed and usable.

It sounds like in your case it could serve at least as inspiration.

Matthijs / Victron

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beat avatar image
beat answered ·

Very nice project! I'm also using Grafana for logging many other parameters like heating, and this sounds like a really nice project!

@zackflowfuse Is/Will device-agent (be) open-source and work with Grafana out of the box ?

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zackflowfuse avatar image
zackflowfuse answered ·

Thank you @mvader (Victron Energy) !

Hi @beat , the community version of FlowFuse may be interesting for you, called "Starter":

And yes there are Grafana nodes within Node-RED that work out of the box! Let me know of any other questions:

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