
chelby avatar image
chelby asked

Victron Blue Smart 15a current and voltage limited

So I have the Blue Smart Charger IP65 12 |15 A339. I have it connected to a LiTime 12v 100ah LiFePo4 battery. I have seemingly tried everything, but the charger for some reason is current and voltage limited. It won't charge at the 14.4V (stuck around 13.5V) recommended by the manufacturer and I can't get the amperage to go above 1A. I configured the predefined LiFePo4 preset to the recommended voltage in expert mode and it didn't affect anything. Usually my built in RV lithium charger takes care of it and it works and charges fine, so it's not the battery. I bring the battery into the house when it's not used in the RV. Maybe I'm just missing something in the settings? I assume the basic Li-ion preset on it's own should just work but it has the same issue. It's constantly in absorption mode too, but the battery is below the voltage threshold and should be in bulk charge mode. I have no idea what's going on, can anyone point me in the right direction? Thank you!

battery chargingLithium Batterycharge current limit
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1 Answer
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


Maybe you haven't triggered a rebulk offset. If two charge sources are connected though also the one might not charge

Their chargers use 14.6v.

Have you tried the charge on a different battery like the vehicle one? (Obviously with a different profile?)

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chelby avatar image chelby commented ·

There's only one charge source when I use this charger, I bring the battery inside to use it as a backup power source when the RV isn't in use. I tried it on the lead acid battery on the chassis and it worked fine, but the battery was completely drained and had to be reconditioned, so I dont know if that makes any difference. I had the profile set to high recondition for that one. The LiFePo4 battery was set to Li-ion or a custom profile based on the battery specs. Thank you for your reply!

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