
stevenvisland avatar image
stevenvisland asked

BT or VEDirect for MPPT to Globallink?

What is the difference between connecting a SmartSolarMPPT to a GlobalLink520 via the VE.Direct or via Bluetooth?

The devices show up two times in the VRM if I connect them with both.
"Both" devices show very similar figures but not exactly the same.. Which are the most exact ones?

How can I finally delete the BT device from VRM, since it just comes back now even if I delete it

VRMMPPT SmartSolargloballink
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1 Answer
Thiemo van Engelen (Victron Energy staff) avatar image
Thiemo van Engelen (Victron Energy staff) answered ·

Hi @steven.VIsland

You probably also need to configure the GlobalLink to no longer listen to the devices via Bluetooth or remove the VE.Direct connection (although I would use the VE.Direct). Now they are seen by the GlobalLink as different devices, so it thinks that it is connected to 4 devices so it sends data for 4 devices. As long as VRM received data for 4 devices, it will recreate them even after deleting them. So first change the setup to use only 1 connection method and then after an hour or so remove the devices from VRM.

Kind regards,

Thiemo van Engelen

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