
kw4np avatar image
kw4np asked

Why doesn't the Multi RS Smart provide battery data to Cerbo GX?

I can see that the Multi RS Smart is tracking battery SOC and even providing that to the Cerbo GX, but I'm not able to select it as the battery monitor. Is there any solution for this issue? I know that the Multi RS is new-ish, but this seems like a basic function for something with the Multi name. As seen, the battery field in VRM is blank although all of the information usually listed there is available in the advanced page.


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2 Answers
kw4np avatar image
kw4np answered ·

So finally after attempting to install the serial battery driver and a reboot, all of the sudden the battery information is showing on the main page and in the Cerbo GX as expected.

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kw4np avatar image kw4np commented ·
Thanks to all who offered suggestions, I'm not sure why it didn't work initially but possibly it just needed a reboot.
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Alex Pescaru avatar image
Alex Pescaru answered ·


If you are talking about Settings - DVCC - Controlling BMS, then I may be wrong, but the Multi RS is not a BMS (battery monitor system)...

It has, indeed an internal way, based on battery type, of computing the SoC and autosync/recalibrate with 100% SoC, but it has by no means a BMS function and that is because of the multitude of battery types that can be connected to it.

You can select in the Cerbo only between (true) BMSes.


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kw4np avatar image kw4np commented ·
@Alex Pescaru , I'm not talking about DVCC, I don't need that in my system. I'm talking about the user facing interface that doesn't show the battery information although it is available in the advanced menu.
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ejrossouw avatar image ejrossouw kw4np commented ·

Have you checked below and are you on official firmware on the Cerbo?


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kw4np avatar image kw4np ejrossouw commented ·

@ejrossouw , I checked just now and there is nothing to choose from. I only have the Multi RS Smart in the system, no other devices connected to the Cerbo GX. The Multi RS Smart is monitoring the battery, but doesn't seem to be showing up as a battery monitor on the Cerbo GX. Official and latest 3.31 firmware.



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Alex Pescaru avatar image Alex Pescaru kw4np commented ·

Strange one, as if I simulate your situation, the system selects as battery monitor the MultiRS...



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kw4np avatar image kw4np Alex Pescaru commented ·
How are you simulating? Unfortunately I'm not seeing that option, despite everything else working properly over VE.CAN.
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Alex Pescaru avatar image Alex Pescaru kw4np commented ·

I have a Multi RS connected to a Cerbo on VE.Can and that Cerbo is connected to a pack of Pylontechs on BMS.Can.

I've disconnected the connection to Pylontechs from Cerbo and I've rebooted the Cerbo.

When I was able to log in again on Cerbo, that is what I've saw in the Cerbo Remote Console and on VRM.

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ejrossouw avatar image ejrossouw kw4np commented ·

Indeed looks like it requires a Victron developer intervention.

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kw4np avatar image kw4np ejrossouw commented ·
I agree, how can we get their attention?

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