
maaat avatar image
maaat asked

Compatibility of Multiplus-II GX with 18650 Li-ion Cells and Software Configuration Priorities

Hello everyone! I'm working with a Multiplus-II GX and I was wondering, can this equipment be used with 18650 Li-ion cells? I have a 36V cell bank that I would like to charge, and my understanding is that the Multiplus operates with 48V DC (or am I mistaken?). Also, I'm a bit lost with the available software; which one is more important to configure? VEconfig, VictronConnect, or VRM?

Multiplus-IIVictronConnectVEConfigure 3
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1 Answer
Justin Cook avatar image
Justin Cook answered ·

You're correct in that Victron does not manufacture inverter/chargers, inverters, or chargers (other than some select solar controllers) that are compatible with 36vNom battery systems. 12, 24, or 48vNom only at this time (and likely for the foreseeable future, since 36vNom is exceptionally rarely used).

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maaat avatar image maaat commented ·

Oh, I see, but what would be the harm in charging 36V nominal batteries with 48V?

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Justin Cook avatar image Justin Cook ♦♦ maaat commented ·
I mean... if that's a serious question, I strongly suggest that you stop what you're doing immediately, as the legitimate answer is fire, explosion, property damage, and potential injury up to and including death.
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