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peterjoy asked

VE.Direct Inverter + VE.Direct Charger + Cerbo + SignalK - now: which BMS recommended?

Just happily finishing my upgrade to Lithium on our boat with a lot of nice blue batteries and blue devices. Love it!

One problem left:

I bought the VE.Bus BMSv2, but overlooked that this requires a VE.Bus Inverter/Charger

whereas both, my latest generation Phoenix Smart Inverter 12/3000 and my

Phoenix Smart Charger have VE.Direct only.

- As a quick workaround I hacked a GND connection by connecting Pin 3 of a VE.BUS cable

(found that elsewhere in this forum - THX!)

- All loads and chargers are controlled by a couple of BatteryProtects

using the AllowToCharge/AllowToDischarge signals


- This is obviously not a config supported by Victron, the BMS is operating in 'low power mode'

and I found hardly any info what it does and does not in this state.

- I don't like the somewhat 'flimsy' GND connection (I understand that ground loop problem, though)

- The BMS is not talking to the Cerbo - so no data from the batteries and the BMS are being forwarded to SignalK.

DVCC is not operational either.

Which BMS would you recommend?

- The SmallBMS? It does not talk to the Cerbo.

BTW: Does it do anything different than the VE.BUS BMSv2 in low power mode?

- The LynxBMS? Didn't check the details here, its just too big, can't fit it ...

Dear Victron, any solution for non-Quattro/Multi systems?

cerbo gxBMSVE.DirectSignalK
2 |3000

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