
dac07800 avatar image
dac07800 asked

High Voltage Alarm when battery reaches 100%

Every time my battery soc reaches 100% I get high voltage alarms 512. Off grid SolarEdge se17k inverter connected to 3 Quattros 48/10000 charging to BYD battery boxes, Cerbo GX etc.

Any solutions or settings to adjust?


MultiPlus Quattro Inverter Chargercerbo gxBYDquattro 10kvaovervoltage
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1 Answer
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


If you have followed the online manual for set up then you should be fine.

If you look a bit closer it is actually a warning alarm not an alarm alarm.

The BYDs will have dropped the CCL down and been taking care of it.

Load up the bms min and max cell values you will see a deviation there.

There is a section that is in the manual dealing specifically with this behaviour in BYD batteries. There is potentially one temporary tweak to get them to calm down.

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dac07800 avatar image dac07800 commented ·

I see one of the solutions is to run the generator to keep the batteries at 100% in order to balance them quicker. Currently, the gen is set to shut off when soc reaches 75%. What's the best way to adjust the settings to have the gen keep the batteries charged until they are balanced?


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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ dac07800 commented ·

So these are new batteries?

They do calm down. They do need to balance though so the first few charges should get them to and keep them at full charge as long as possible.

Sometimes the voltage cap in DVCC is necessary.

The other oddity to check is the on grid offgrid set up. Both in the BMU and in the system. What voltages did you use?

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dac07800 avatar image dac07800 Alexandra ♦ commented ·

The batteries are not new. They are 2 years old but 2 of the batteries had their control boards replaced last year.

I've enabled voltage limit of 54v in dvcc to see if that helps until everything stabilizes.

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