
banne avatar image
banne asked

Weird problem with maximized amps to grid while set higher

I have my MP2 GX set to around -3000w to feed back to the grid. The inverter just resists doing this. Its maximized to around 550w/10A. Why is this happening? Updated firmware already, DVCC on/off, no limiters on, BMS has no limiters on and no alarms or errors. Still it will not go over 10A discharging. There are no scripts running on the background controlling this, no temperature issues. In the past it always worked fine! When I make the number positive 3000W it does charge 3000W

Can anyone advise? My other two MP2's are running perfectly fineschermafbeelding-2024-02-15-om-220541.pngschermafbeelding-2024-02-15-om-220346.pngschermafbeelding-2024-02-15-om-220426.pngschermafbeelding-2024-02-15-om-220415.png

Multiplus-IIgridess grid setpoint not reached
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Alexandra avatar image Alexandra ♦ commented ·
Possibly just check that the connection to grid. If the resistance has gone up it might be the cause.
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banne avatar image banne Alexandra ♦ commented ·

If that was the case the charging would also been limited

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2 Answers
banne avatar image
banne answered ·

Found it! I accidentally changed the maxdischargepercentage some time ago in the modbus settings to 10%. Its really nice Victron provides settings that can be changed but are not visible inside the GUI. Sarcasm off

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banne avatar image
banne answered ·

The problem is inside the Multiplus, I swapped BMS with another one and it does exactly the same

2 |3000

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