
juliocolle avatar image
juliocolle asked

SmallBMS charger connection

I have SmartLithium 200ah 12v battery, smallBMS, cyrix-li-charge, 2 Orion 12/12 30a and Phoenix Smart charger. Apart from the Victron devices, there are 2 Epever MPPTs that do not have a remote control. My questions are: 1- Can the SmallBMS Charger output activate the Cyrix-Li-Charge on contact 85, as it only has 10mA available? 2- Can the SmallBMS Charger output be distributed to the Cyrix-Li-Charge, the 2 Orion 12/12 30a Isolated and the Phoenix Smart Charger?

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klim8skeptic avatar image klim8skeptic ♦ commented ·
@Juliocolle I've heard that epever mppts are prone to blowing up when the battery is disconnected from the battery while charging.

Better do some research on that.

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1 Answer
pwfarnell avatar image
pwfarnell answered ·

1. The datasheet for the SmallBMS states that it can be used with the Cyrix-Li-Charge.

2. If you are connecting 4 devices to the allow to charge output of the SmallBMS then I would use a Victron SolidSwitch 104. The SmallBMS ATC turns the SolidSwitch on/off and the SolidSwitch with its higher current rating can turn multiple chargers on and off.

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juliocolle avatar image juliocolle commented ·

Can I use the Cyrix-Li-Charge just as an auxiliary relay to supply 12v to remote 2 Orion and Phoenix?

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pwfarnell avatar image pwfarnell juliocolle commented ·
I am not sure on that one, perhaps ask another separate question.
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Related Resources

Victron VE.Bus BMS product page

Victron 3rd party BMS compatibility page


Additional resources still need to be added for this topic