
rkapsi avatar image
rkapsi asked

Custom CAN Profile in Venus OS v3.20 / gui-v2

I have a CAN-bus BMS that communicates strictly at 500 kbit/s and a Wakespeed which I could configure to use 500 kbit/s. This scenario would be ideal as it eliminates one dependency (Cerbo GX) but for integration purposes it'd be still nice if it can optionally join the chat.

In the spirit of OSS I've successfully modified veutil, venus-platform and gui-v2 to potentially have a "VE.Can & CAN-bus BMS (500 kbit/s)" profile (picture below) but it doesn't work in the sense that that there are other non-OSS components that would need recompiling to make it actually work. What are the chances of these things being OSS as well and/or interest in these type of changes?


Venus OSgui modsvenus sdk
2 |3000

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rkapsi avatar image rkapsi commented Ā·
Actually, I take that back. It's sufficient to change veutil, venus-platform and gui-v2. My build was referencing a wrong submodule version of veutil. It works! With that said it's kinda subject to breaking and time consuming to causally maintain. I'm probably better off intercepting the can-set-rate shell call and simply live with the imperfection that the UI says 250 but under to hood it's actually 500.
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slewinson avatar image slewinson rkapsi commented Ā·
Hi @rkapsi

Would you be interested in sharing how you did this? I have a need to do similar changes to talk to a 125K CANBus peripheral.



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rkapsi avatar image rkapsi slewinson commented Ā·
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slewinson avatar image slewinson rkapsi commented Ā·
Awesome, thanks. Will have a play shortyl


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