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Mark Reeves asked

How customizable are the tiles in Venus OS?


I am trying to get my solar equipment all pulled into a single console. I have a Solaredge 10Kw Grid Tied no battery. I have a Sungold IP6048 with a 48V NiFe 600ah battery with a 500A Smart shunt connected to it. I have not got the direct VE cable connected between my Venus OS and the smart shunt. The NiFe Batteries are 40ft away as they are in a shed and I cannot or should not have any ignition sources in the shed as they can off gas hydrogen. Yes I have a ventilation system. I am about to try and build my own 40ft cable. I managed to get my Solarwinds pulled in as PV Inverter. I also found a github repo that did it also, but I wasn't sure either was working correctly until I ran a command I found posted by mr-manuel since I did not have a Victron inverter. The command was

  1. dbus -y com.victronenergy.settings /Settings AddSetting SystemSetup AcInput1 0 i 0 2
  2. dbus -y com.victronenergy.settings /Settings AddSetting SystemSetup AcInput2 0 i 0 2

I have GUI Mods enabled. I also turned on the Rpi Temp Sensor and I get the temp from the PV Inverter. DC stuff should show up once I build and connect my VE direct cable. I cannot seem to set my inverter to Single phase or Split Phase? Right now everything shows up as multiphase and the info is not exactly right. I know this picture is still but the flow direction for AC Input is going toward that tile. The PV Inverter Tile is flowing toward the Victron Energy in the middle which I suppose is fine. The AC Loads is headed towards the AC Loads but the amount of AC Load is incorrect. I still have not got my Hybrid Inverter brought in. I am wanting to replace it with Victron but unfortunately that will take me some time. I also have a Tesla Gateway that i use as a disconnect from the grid if the grid were to go down. I have no idea if it can be pulled in somehow as it does monitor the loads for the entire house. The Solaredge does monitor the house load also so I guess I don't need both. I don't know how to remove a tile now that it shows up.

Venus OSmodificationsgui modssolaredge
2 |3000

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