
Troy P avatar image
Troy P asked

Cyrix vs Orion question

Hi folks,

I'm trying to get a basic design done for a rework of my marine system. I've got twin diesel engines, each with an 8D flooded lead acid cranking battery, and I'm adding two 8D AGM house batteries, as well as a Quattro ii, Cerbo GX, SmartShunt, etc. I've been reading through all the doc I can find, but in some cases I see an Orion recommended to charge my house batteries when the engines are running, and in others I see Cyrix recommended. I know with Lithium the alternator issues are more complex but with no lithium present what's the difference and how should I decide?

orion-tr smartsystem designCyrix Battery Combiner
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4 Answers
kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

There are a couple of types of Orion. Most basic is a voltage converter which gives stable output voltage. The other has this and also a full programmable battery charge for lithium and lead, and both manual and auto on/off switching. The model numbers are in the form I/O -OC where I is input voltage, O is output voltage, OC is max output current. Orions conduct in one direction. If more current needed, multiple Orions can be wired in parallel.

Cyrx is simply an automatic switch. Joins the batteries. If one drops voltage, it's disconnected to prevent excessive discharge. Available with much higher current ratings than the Orions.

Alternators simply control output voltage. They have no charging sophistication. Good chargers, like the Orions, charge based on battery voltage with a three stage charge profile. When the battery is charged they switch to a float or maintenance voltage to prevent overcharging and thus extend battery service life. With flooded batteries, maintenance is reduced - water loss is much lower

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kevgermany avatar image
kevgermany answered ·

As I said, Orions are uni-directional. So if you want to charge in both directions, it won't be suitable.

The Cyrix converters are bi-directional. And recognise charging on either side to connect the batteries/charge in both directions. Also higher current.

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Troy P avatar image
Troy P answered ·

For clarification, I'm looking at the Orion XS 12/12-50A DC-DC. Does either option give me the ability to charge back to the cranking battery from the house when the generator/shore power are connected, via the inverter? Charging house from cranking while engines are running should be possible with either product I would think.

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chris-gmail avatar image
chris-gmail answered ·

Hi, I'm about to remove my Victron Cyrix-I and replace it with a new Orion XS for DC to DC (Sprinter alternator to house), simply because I now have replaced the AGM with Lithium. From reading your summaries above, it appears I have now lost my house to starter battery top up capability by removing the bi directional Cyrix -i. My question to you is have I also now lost my ability to charge my starter battery when connected to shore ? It appears I may have gone backwards in my charging capabilities.. thanks...

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KämpingVan avatar image KämpingVan commented ·


Yes, the Orion XS will only allow one-way charging. So the cranking battery will not receive charging when connected to shore. If you have a Multiplus inverter-charger or a Phoenix 1+1 smart charger you can use the trickle feature(3-4A of charging) to top off your cranking battery. Another solution could be to add a IP65 Smart charger dedicated to the cranking battery. They are relatively cheap and you could wire it so it charges only when shore power is available.

It may seem like a backwards move in terms of charging capabilities but it isn't. Like stated before the DC-DC charger is a much more intelligent device and will surely prolong the lifespan of your Lithium battery with correct charging cycles unlike the "dumb" Cyrix.

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kevgermany avatar image kevgermany ♦♦ commented ·
Another alternative is to fit two Orions, one going house to starter and one going from starter to house.

As starter batteries need low current, you can also use a Votronic trickle charger, much cheaper. Works for me.

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