
tomhei avatar image
tomhei asked

Node-RED Node "write file"

Ich möchte auf dem Filesystem eine Datei speichern. Ich verwende die node "write file" und bekommen eine Meldung, dass ich keine Zugriffsrechte habe (Error: EACCES: permission denied, open .......). Was muss ich machen wenn ich eine Datei auf dem File-System ablegen will ?

Venus OSRaspberry PiNode-RED
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2 Answers
d-ferdi avatar image
d-ferdi answered ·


du darft nicht nur einen dateinamen angeben, du musst auch den pfad angeben und ich wuerde dir empfehlen, eine sd-karte einzusetzen und die daten dort zu speichern.

ich benutze dazu eine mysql-datenbank.


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Dirk-Jan Faber (Victron Energy) avatar image
Dirk-Jan Faber (Victron Energy) answered ·

That is covered by

Q1: Write/read file gives "Error: EACCESS: permission denied'

Since Venus OS 2.90 and on wards, Node-RED no longer runs as user root, but as user nodered. This means that the Node-RED flows are only allowed to access files and directories that are owned by the nodered user. These files typically start below /data/home/nodered/. So modifying the storage location to something like /data/home/nodered/storage.txt ought to work.

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d-ferdi avatar image d-ferdi commented ·
@Dirk-Jan Faber (Victron Energy)


i have some good ideas to make victron products better and some are possible, to use node-red to realize them.

i have also some problems with venus-os which make things, which it should not make like ignoring configured limits!

but i have no posiblity to contact the right persons at victron to discuse my ideas and the problems with things, which should not happend.

can you hellp me with that?


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Dirk-Jan Faber (Victron Energy) avatar image Dirk-Jan Faber (Victron Energy) ♦♦ d-ferdi commented ·

Best way is to make a community post describing the ideas and tagging me. Our development is largely community driven, and quite a few of my colleagues are active here too.

Bugs in Venus can also be reported on GitHub: Note that GitHub is not to be used for feature requests.

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