
zucca avatar image
zucca asked

Can we please help Victron to solve the Lynx Shunt wrong voltage problem?

After reading this

I decided to create this new thread to give a better overview about the above problem to Victron.

First things first, IMHO, it is NOT a show stopper for us users. It is just something to consider and adjust in (the shunt/system) settings if necessary. According to my investigation is only an offset. Nothing critical just and irritation

- Problem Description:

Lynx Shunt reports to the VE.CAN (what you will see then in VRM or Remote Console) a LOWER voltage reading than the one provided by other Victron devices (like MPPTs and Inverters). This is also confirmed by external measurement with multimeters.

- Details

1) Only 48V System seems to be affected by this problem

2) The max offset reported between shunt voltage measured and "the rest" is about 500mV

3) No solution is officially provided by Victron

4) No DC voltage recalibration is possible on the Lynx Shunt

5) Some users ended up swapping the Lynx Shunt with the SmartShunt, since it costs less and perform better.

6) For ESS System the MPPT/Inverter DC Voltage is shared, see here (thanks to the immense @Some-user)

this is also why the DC voltage there is the same across those devices.

- How do I know if my Lynx Shunt is affected by the above problem?

The simplest and most effective way is to create a custom widget in the VRM plotting the Lynx Shunt voltage and the "DC system voltage". If you will see two lines with the same shape and the shunt voltage is lower, then welcome to the club.

Example of the above widget:


The more complicated way is to download the .xls file with the raw data from VRM and do some statistic on them.

Here below you can see some of my DC voltage values:


Average: the average of the DC voltage reported without the Lynx Shunt one

delta AKA Lynx Shunt error: the above value minus the Lynx shunt DC voltage.

Here below the statistics of the Lynx Shunt error DC voltage error:

1705724096513.pngWith such a small variance, I am sure the error is just a constant offset.

In other words my Lynx Shunt ALWAYS reads about 152mV lower than the rest.

- Immediate countermeasures

Lower the affected DC Voltage setting by the know offset error.

Example with 200mV offset:

I want 100% SoC at 55.5V, enter the value 55.5-.2=55.3V

- What we user can do to help Victron:

Report the problem with the Lynx Shunt serial number.

Here the list:

152mV, SN 1705724302126.png

- What Victron can do to solve this problem:

The most effective and elegant way it to provide a FW update with the new feature to calibrate the Lynx Shunt DC voltage. Mostly copy paste of what is already implemented for the DC current measurement.

Many thanks to all users who reported the problem first, expecially @Michael Schmidt

lynx shuntbattery system voltage
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kevgermany avatar image kevgermany ♦♦ commented ·
I've reported it to Victron for you.
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7 Answers
mvader (Victron Energy) avatar image
mvader (Victron Energy) answered ·

Hey @zucca , this is just to confirm that your message made it to us (Victron). Next week we'll check on a few units from stock to see for ourself.

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zucca avatar image zucca commented ·

Roger Sir! I would love to take a plane, come to the Netherlands and help you out!

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urs4-2008 avatar image urs4-2008 commented ·
How is the testing going, @mvader (Victron Energy) ?

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martin-fi avatar image martin-fi commented ·
Any News ?
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urs4-2008 avatar image urs4-2008 martin-fi commented ·
No. We need the option to calibrate this, Victron
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giampaolo avatar image
giampaolo answered ·

My Lynx Shunt has the same problem - 150 mV compared to the readings made by multiplus and external voltmeter.

SN 0286085 HQ2243VNJDH

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Constantin Zaharia avatar image
Constantin Zaharia answered ·

ok, you are right, are differences, but what is the reference? the charger? the battery?

an offset setting for each block will be great. because also voltages differ on each installation, considering the cables used, length of the cables.

The voltages are different for each node with small differencesvrm-voltages.pngvrm-voltages.xlsx

vrm-voltages.png (69.9 KiB)
vrm-voltages.xlsx (39.5 KiB)
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zucca avatar image
zucca answered ·

@Constantin Zaharia

Due to Ohm's law, an offset for each block does not make sense.

In other words there is not a unique DC voltage in a Victron system, since not only the cables (lenght, diameter) but also the current is playing a role (like in the yellow line posted in your graph above).

The reference is the voltage measured at the Lynx Shunt bus bars with a calibrated voltmeter.

According my measurements and the one of the others users, the Inverters and MPPT are much more accurate than the Lynx Shunt, so that they can be used as a rough "reference", without a calibrated voltmeter.

Moreover, in my system I used short and big cables for the DC, so the ohm laws voltage drifts are much less than the Lynx shunt error offset, and I proved it with my statistical analysis.

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urs4-2008 avatar image
urs4-2008 answered ·

My shunt is about 0,5V too low as well. Please give us at least a calibration option in VRM by a firmware update.


1709198093814.png (10.6 KiB)
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richies avatar image
richies answered ·

Same here: -190 mV deviation! Serial No: 0207517 HQ2150746V2

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zucca avatar image
zucca answered ·

Maybe now that Victron released the new FW for the Lynx Smart BMS

maybe they have now the men power to address this issue with a new Lynx Shunt FW.

Let's hope!

I am sure the low level engineers, mvader included, are with us and would be able to solve this in 10days top...

My guess is somebody at Victron management is still thinking about the best strategy with shining .ppt on how to solve this voltage offset irritation, so please:

We weten dat de ingenieurs van Victron de beste zijn! Laat ze dit alsjeblieft oplossen!
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Related Resources

Lynx Shunt VE Can online manual

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