
amcarter333 avatar image
amcarter333 asked

VictronConnect -- Unsupported firmware version (again)

Once again, my VictronConnect app (on MacOS laptop) is unable to connect to my Multiplus. I'm using what I believe is the most current software version - 5.101. Each attempt to connect generates the "Unsupported firmware version" error message. What should I do to regain access to my Multiplus settings? Why does this happen so frequently?

VictronConnectmultiplus ve.bus
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1 Answer
amcarter333 avatar image
amcarter333 answered ·

Please note that I am using an ethernet cable with a MK3-USB adapter to connect my laptop to my Multiplus, not bluetooth.

2 |3000

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Related Resources

VictronConnect Manual

Download for iOS / Android / Mac / Windows

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