
tareq avatar image
tareq asked

VRM Message that seems too busy

Hello Everyone,

I have a problem with the VRM, when I am being on the dashboard, the message below pops up.

The message is: "Installation too busy, realtime data link disabled".

Could anyone has faced the same problem advice the solution?

Thanks in advance!


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3 Answers
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) avatar image
Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) answered ·

Hi @tareq,

I believe this warning occurs when the CPU of the GX device is under too much load. I'll confirm it with the VRM team and also see if that message can be changed to make it clearer.

The realtime feature of VRM consumes quite a bit of CPU resources, and temporarily pausing it automatically is an easy solution when necessary. While the feature is handy, it's a relatively low priority compared to other functions of the GX.

It shouldn't normally occur on smaller systems with default parameters. However the bigger the system, the more customisations (especially Node RED), and the older the GX hardware (CCGX -> Venus GX -> Cerbo GX -> Ekrano GX) the more likely it is.

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tareq avatar image tareq commented ·
Thanks for your response Mr. Stewart.

So, what seems to be the solution for this matter?

Your soonest answer will be appreciated.

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It depends on the cause.

How often does it occur?

Is it regularly at the same times of day? Randomly? Constantly? Rarely?

How important is it to fix? Can it just be ignored, or realtime disabled permanently (in the general settings in VRM) to prevent the error message from popping up.

Is the system running everything as default? Or are there any customisations?

Can they be removed?

There is a feature inside VRM to help diagnose, you can create a custom widget in the Advanced page, and then select the GX device, and 'dbus round trip time'.

This is a good indicator for GX CPU load, and that graph might indicate a cause.

You could also try some more active cooling on the GX device, as it might be throttling itself due to heat. Cleaning out the vents to make sure there is good airflow, keeping it out of the sun if there is any, and maybe adding a small fan.

None of that should be normally necessary, and the diagnostic data would help indicate if that's a factor but just for the sake of troubleshooting ideas.

The surest and last resort solution is to increase the power of the hardware, upgrading to either Cerbo GX or ideally Ekrano GX, but that is probably not something you'd do first.

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tareq avatar image tareq Guy Stewart (Victron Community Manager) ♦♦ commented ·
It is almost permanent, however, the syste has been finally commissioned 2 days ago.
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greendovefarms avatar image
greendovefarms answered ·

I have been having the same issue, I have created dbus round trip time widget.


Is that excessive ?

1 comment
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Yes it is,

Here is mine for comparison - your is two orders of magnitude higher.

The CPU of your GX is overloaded.


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img-2833.jpeg (290.5 KiB)
greendovefarms avatar image
greendovefarms answered ·

Would a software update fix the overload ? V3.10 installed.

Current System: Off Grid

1 x 15000w Quattro

1 x 8.2 Primo Fronius

1 x 6.0 Gen 24 Fronius

1 x 150/70 Mppt


32kwh BYD LV storage

I do have an Ipad on all the time in the house displaying VRM data of my installation.

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