
gebrerv avatar image
gebrerv asked

Howto change password for multiplus 2 gx

I want to access the remote console on my multiplus 2 Gx.

System says wrong password, i See a hint next the password field :

Password forgot, set a new one on the device.

How to perform this ? I can connect to the device via Victronconnect and Bluetooth but the only configuration i can do there is to activate/deactivate the access point.

Access has worked one time, maybe i have checked password check, but i have for sure not entered a password

Multiplus-IIcerbo gx
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2 Answers
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


The remote console password had to have been set for it to ask for one

There are two methods to reset.

1. SSH in and change it

2. Reset to factory (recommended as it easier for most people)

Use the same method as a firmware update.


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gebrerv avatar image
gebrerv answered ·

Hi Alexandra, thanks for your fast response. I performed the dactory reset via USb Stick, no i can logon

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