
seriusrod avatar image
seriusrod asked

Venus OS remote console password?

So I made a new Venus Os installation on a rPi2 I had around. I created a VRM account, and connected the Venus.

Today I started it again and the remote console asks me for a password without a user. And it doesn't connect to VRM. I still have root access via ssh.

Can anyone tell me how to reset that password, or if it's a default one? I've tried all my testing passwords combinations without success.


Venus OS
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4 Answers
jeroen avatar image
jeroen answered ·

There might be something weird going on with your MAC-address...

Anyway, you can get rid of the remote console password with:

echo -n "" > /data/conf/vncpassword.txt

And reboot or restart the gui.

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Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image
Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) answered ·

Hi @seriusrod,

there are two conditions to be met in order to be asked for the remote console password:

1. for the remote console via LAN you have to set a password in "Enable password check". Once set, it will ask for the password every time you open the remote console.

2. for the remote console via VRM you have to enable "Enable on VRM". Once enabled, it will ask for the password set in 1. every time you open the remote console via VRM.

If 1. is not set, 2. doesn't matter.

I cannot think of any reason why it will ask you for a password if you haven't set one. And there is no default password. Maybe re-install and try again.


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seriusrod avatar image
seriusrod answered ·

Thanks @Stefanie. Yes, I think that granting access through ssh required to put a password in there. But I assure that could only be one of the three passwords I use for testing purposes.

I was hoping that having ssh access could allow me to modify something in the filesystem to reset that setting/password.

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Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) avatar image
Stefanie (Victron Energy Staff) answered ·

On a 'real' GX device the procedure to reset the remote console password is always a full factory reset, which requires a full new install of Venus OS.

This will be the same for Venus OS on a RasPi, unfortunately.

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