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saskak asked

Blue smart charger intermittent fan (24V/12A)

I have a Blue Smart Charger IP22, 24V/12A that when I run it (preset Li-ON charging at 12A) with my LifePO4 (24V, 280A) the fan on the charger starts up and then spins down immediately, up and down every 1-2sec, it does not run continuously. The Charger is the latest firmware (v3.42). I know that it is under powered for the battery, but is that the design of the 24V/12A blue smart charger, the fan not to run continuously. The temp of the charger, as far as I can tell with a IR termometer is ~38C, so not too hot and it keeps the 12A without a problem. The fan does not do that when first put on, as the charger is cold.

Maybe the temp is borderline and it only spins the fan a little bit and that is enough, but seems rather odd. I just gor the blue smart charger, so not too sure if that is normal.

Many thanks for any help, rather appreciated.

chargerbluesmart ip22fan
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