
jsmvanwyk avatar image
jsmvanwyk asked

Missing data when downloading VRM data

Good day

I've noticed since the system now when you download multiple months of kWh data from the portal that it splits the files into different files. I've noticed also that it appears to lose one "timestamp" consistently. If the previous file would end in say 21:00 then the new file should begin in 21:15, but every new file begins 21:30, thus is the data missing of 21:15. And each subsequent file has the same line missing.

vrm advanced
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Thanks for the bug report @jsmvanwyk - I’ll pass it on to the VRM team.
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2 Answers
lucian avatar image
lucian answered ·

Hi, I'm from the VRM team.

Could you please provide me with the VRM url of the installation and the period that you tried exporting?

Kind regards,

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jochenku avatar image
jochenku answered ·

Dear VRM team,

I'd like to revive this old thread for a question.

When exporting data from VRM the system generates a line in the file for every 15 minutes of data, but only if at least any of the applicable columns contains any data. If for example during the night there is no consumption, production, etc. during any one 15 minute periode, the line is missing in the export.

This is quite problematic for further use of this data as it leads to inconsistent length of data set. A regular day would consist of 24*4 = 96 lines, but unevitably some days wil have 92, other 89 and so on.

It would be far more useful to have lines only containing zeroews (or even blank cells) than missing lines.

Is there any specific reason you chose to omit the lines?

Thanks a lot and best regards, Jochen

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