
wytco0 avatar image
wytco0 asked

Setting up Multiplus II with existing system - Optimal configuration

Recently I asked a question about adding a Multiplus II to my existing hybrid system:

One person replied (Alexander) with some information that made me think I may be going about this wrongly and so I want to ask another question:

My question is what is the optimal way of setting up a Multiplus II to coexist with an existing Inverter?

A few bits of information:

1) The current system is a Growatt SHP-5000 hybrid inverter with 4.5kw of Pv and 17KwH of Pylontech batteries, this has been working well for some time.

2) I now have a Victron 'MultiPlus-II 48/5000/70-50 230V (48V - 70A Charger - 50A) with Cerbo GX and a connected 15kwh Seplos Mason Battery

3) We are 100% electric household with a PHEV and an ASHP, in the winter we can use upto about 70 kwh in a day. We are in the UK.

4) At some point in the future I woudl like to go off-grid for power but I dont think this is feasible yet, this is one of the resons that I have bought the Victron Multiplus.

I was planning to run both systems side by side and hope that they would work out how much each should contribute when battery power is available, I know other people do this.

However the person that replied earlier mentioned using one or the other as an Input or Output to the Multiplus II and ESS, if there is a better way I would prefer to do it now rather than reconfigure further down the line.

I am new to the Victron world and any advice or ideas will be gratefully received. I am sure other must have done something similar so any links etc would also be great.


Multiplus-IIcerbo gxPylontech
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1 Answer
dmsims avatar image
dmsims answered ·

First things first

I would be submitting an application to your DNO

A lot of people have been refused lower outputs than you are planning

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wytco0 avatar image wytco0 commented ·
DNO is done and approved.
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