
craig-m avatar image
craig-m asked

VIctron Smart IP65 7amp Charger

Good Morning,

I have a customer who seems to be having a issue....I believe the batteries that are discharged hes using are beyond saving and sulfated.

"With the Odyssey batteries, or any other new and pretty well charged battery, there is no problem. Show the charger an older battery which is discharged, and the following happens. It starts its charge in the normal way. It goes through its various stages until it gets to the point where one might expect it to go from ‘float’ to its maintenance level. At that point a clicking is heard. The clicks are about 7 or 8 seconds apart and if you observe both the voltage and the current while listening to the clicks, you would hear a click and then see an immediate decay of current and potential followed by a gradual build up of both until the next click 7 or 8 seconds later. It is as if the charger is repeatedly trying and failing to go to the maintenance mode. What is happening? Why does it do this when charging an older battery from a discharged state?"

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1 Answer
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·

@Craig M

I agree, if the charge source stops charging and the voltage drops on its own especially if it is in a few minutes, then they are dead.

The clicking is because that is what is happening, then the charge cycle is being retriggered then the voltage rises amp drips and triggers the next stage and so the cycke continues.

What is their resting voltage? If they charge up to 14.2v for example then the charger is removed and it drops in a few minutes to way less than even float they are done. The internal resistance must be high.

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craig-m avatar image craig-m commented ·
Thank you.
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