
wscholtz avatar image
wscholtz asked

Can I use a Blue Smart IP65 12/15 in an online UPS setup?

Hi. We're currently experiencing some hectic "loadshedding"/planned power outages (few times per day for 2-4 hours at a time) and I'm trying to make my backup power solution a bit more convenient.

Initially manually switching my workstation + internet devices over from grid power to my battery+inverter setup was fine, but having numerous loadshedding slots every day is annoying and I don't think it's the best for these devices to lose power and start up all the time.

I was thus wondering if I can use my Blue Smart IP65 12/15 charger as a power supply for my workstation permanently. So basically creating an online UPS solution (charger => battery => inverter => appliances).

Regarding the power supply function, yes I understand that it has a power supply function, but that's not my question. I want to only use the charger function and not manually switch between charge and power supply functions when needed. That's off topic but just in case someone wanted to mention it ;)

I'm more concerned about the longevity of the charger if it's supplying power 24/7 rather than simply charging the battery and then going into float.

I have also looked at more permanent solutions made for my exact problem (for ex. the multiplus range), but that's not an option right now as I'm in a rental place where I cannot make any permanent modifications, not to mention that it's way outside my budget :)

I also thought of the situation where once the power gets back on that some power from the charger will go into the battery and some to my devices, meaning the battery is not being charged as fast as it might have been. That's also a different problem.

I noticed it gets quite hot during the bulk stage, but I have a fan moving some air over it to help cool it down for what it's worth.

So is it okay for this charger to be spending a lot of time in high-current stages (will most likely spend majority of time in the float stage with about 5-10A current)?

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1 Answer
wkirby avatar image
wkirby answered ·

This doesn't seem unreasonable, <70% of full power most of the time and going to full power to recover the battery plus load. I presume the workstation is switched off for some part of the day too?
I don't foresee any problems with this arrangement.

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wscholtz avatar image wscholtz commented ·

Thanks for the response! :)

The workstation will be switched off over night. So in theory about half the day would be dedicated to purely charging the battery where the charger should also getting a chance to cool off afterwards when going into the float cycle.

That being said, with the daily loadshedding the charger will be completely off (obviously) for anywhere between 2 and 12 hours depending on the stage of loadshedding.

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