
pyrorider avatar image
pyrorider asked

SmartShunt enough to monitor battery

Hi, if I get 16 battery cells and a jk bms but dont have a connection between bms and CerboGX, would the a SmartShunt be enough to run the system? The bms would take care of oprotection and balancing and the smartshunt would deliver the amps and Soc etc

cerbo gxBMSSmartShunt
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1 Answer
snoobler avatar image
snoobler answered ·

Yes. You would set the JK to the cell limits (2.5 and 3.65) and program the chargers/loads to operate INSIDE the cell limits, i.e., cut off ABOVE 2.5V/cell and charge BELOW 3.65V/cell.

If you're a tinkerer, @Louis van der Walt has created a VenusOS driver that works with the JK:

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pyrorider avatar image pyrorider commented ·

Thank you :D

Would the VenusOS driver work for the CerboGX?
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snoobler avatar image snoobler pyrorider commented ·
Cerbo runs VenusOS. The link I provided explicitly states it works on the Cerbo and provides installation instructions. given that you weren't able to glean that for yourself, perhaps it's best that you just proceed with your original plan.
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