
matthew-hodder avatar image
matthew-hodder asked

USB Hub and ET112 behaviour

I have a Cerbo GX and a number of USB devices connected, this looks like:

USB Port 1 > USB 3.0 HUB > ET112 Energy Meter and Tank140 module
USB Port 2 > USB 3.0 HUB > USB GPS and Touch Screen (using non-victron brand screen)

USB Hubs have a dedicated 12V power feed off the same circut the Cerbo is plugged into.

Under this configuration, everything works fine.

If I power cycle the cerbo OR full power circuit, everything restarts correctly, except the ET112, it never connects.

I have to manually disconnect either the hub or meter itself and reconnect to USB and it comes back up happily.

I have tried with the hub in unpowered or powered mode and same result.

If I plug the ET112 directly into the USB power on the Cerbo, then there are no issues - it will survive a reboot.

It is like the hub is holding up a stale connection and needs to be removed to clear it (I know that isn't possible but it is what is feels like).

Any thoughts on reasons for this behavior?

The next thing I'm going to try is ET112 directly into the Cerbo, and daisy chain the hubs together (the hubs are at different locations in the boat so I can't just run one).

I have also ordered a USB 2.0 version of the same hub just in case that is affecting it.

cerbo gxEnergy Meter
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2 Answers
daza avatar image
daza answered ·

It’s your hub mate mine works all the time during reboot, you have just said it’s the hub as it’s survives reboot when plugged into the Cerbo

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matthew-hodder avatar image matthew-hodder commented ·

Yes I tend to agree - the only hesitation is that the tank140 unit is in the same hub and causes no issues on reboot, as does the other hub and devices, so it’s just the ET112 and this hub combo.

I’ll test with the new 2.0 hub and see how that goes, would prefer not to daisy chain the hubs if possible.

What hub are you using?

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daza avatar image
daza answered ·

I take it the tank sensors are not CanBus like the ET112? Your hub is mostly knocking out the Canbus Signal from the ET112 which causes to to shutdown and ie No response heard from Can low or high.

I don’t need a Hub I’m using the Cerbo GX and don’t have more USB‘s connected. Maybe try a better USB hub might give better results but it’s 100% your usb hub

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