
uzi10 avatar image
uzi10 asked

dbus shelly deactivation


I installed this dbus shelly as a test.

unfortunately I don't have shelly yet and I don't know how to disable it. Can you help me please? MFG Andi


dbus-shelly.png (13.2 KiB)
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4 Answers
gerard-van-seventer avatar image
gerard-van-seventer answered ·

There is an script. Run that and optionally use "remove disconnected devices" from the device list.

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uzi10 avatar image
uzi10 answered ·

what do I have to enter there? folder or something? My Linux knowledge is unfortunately limited.

Please help me

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gerard-van-seventer avatar image
gerard-van-seventer answered ·

Go to the directory where the script is and execute it with ./

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uzi10 avatar image
uzi10 answered ·

I can't uninstall it and the script continues to log and litters my cerbo with logfails.

should I install it again and then try uninstalling it?

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