
ds1707 avatar image
ds1707 asked

VRM Portal wrong Energy history values

Hello guys,

My VRM Portal shows real too high values for enrgy from battery.

I use Venus on Rpi3 with firmware 2.85 and also tried 2.89, EM24 with RS485 is used to get the grid data. and battery data is obtained by Seplos BMS via CAN Bus.

This issue started at 05.10.2022.

Example 14.01.2023:



In parallel i use the victron data, which is also graphical/historical shown in energy tab.

And those are more realistic.


I will try to reconfigure the bms communication protocol which is my last idea.

Did anyone had this kind of issue and can maybe give me a hint?

Best Regards,


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1 Answer
ds1707 avatar image
ds1707 answered ·

I disabled the system setting "has DC system", this fixed the issue for me.

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