
panicman avatar image
panicman asked

MultiPlus-II connection with Daly BMS / Daly Interface Board (WNT) via CAN?

Hello Together,

I'm trying since a week or so to connect my MultiPlus-II GX wthy my BMS, which is an Daly 16s 48V 250A BMS. It has communication interface (RS485/CAN) and I set it with the PC-Monitor Software to VICTRONENERGY/CAN. I have also the Daly Interface Board (WNT) that they set to Victron Protocol, as they said, before they send it to me.

This is how my Setup looks like:


I also created an customized RJ45 Cable for VE.CAN so they communicate together correctly:
Green/white GND 3 - 3 GND green/white
Brown CAN-L 8 - 4 CAN-L blue
Brown/white CAN-H 7 - 5 CAN-H blue/white

Then I set in the Remote Console the VE.CAN to Other BMS and 500 kbit/s, in the Network status the packets are counting up correctly:


But there is no BMS in the device list or the battery monitor list:


This is how I set up the BMS:


There is an video on youtube where they demonstrate that it is possible:

Has anyone managed to connect an Daly BMS to Victron via CAN? What do I need to do to get it work?

Here is the Datasheet of the Daly Interface Board (WNT):
DL-WNT-V1.0 datasheet of collection board.docx.pdf

Greetings Jack

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13 Answers
panicman avatar image
panicman answered ·

After an great hint from an other Forum I have now the solution why it was not working. So here is the Solution:

  1. Set all the DIP-Spwitches on the Interface Board (WNT) down to OFF.
  2. Now you can connect with the PC Software to it via RS485 and read out the settings of the WNT: 1673290467736.png
  3. In the Engineering Model Tab set the Inverter to VICTRON+CAN, in my case it was set to VOLTRONICS+CAN, after I set it to VICTRON+CAN it was visible in the MP2:1673290241682.png

Now, the last thing what I have is, after I set the BMS as the Battery Monitor, I get an Low Voltage Error: 1673291792117.pngAny Idea why? I checked all the Settings, the BMS has no Errors, so the Error came from the Victron, I checked all the Voltage settings, I have absoluely no Idea why it came at 53.22V, has anyone an Idea?

Greetings Jack

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tochal avatar image
tochal answered ·


how about changing the setting to see if the error disappears at all , i mean just for trouble shooting, change the under-voltage limit to 1-2 volts lower ( for example 50V) and see if the Error disappears at all !!

if yes, then increase it slowly until error appears again , then you can set a new level , ( if the new level is still acceptable )

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panicman avatar image panicman commented ·
Undervoltage is set in the ESS to all C-Loads to 46V, Sustain Voltage set to 48V. I have no Idea how it should happen that it shows that message. Anyway, that happens only once and since then not again. I will look if this happens again.
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Andy avatar image Andy panicman commented ·
The undervoltage message is not coming from the MP or Victron, I believe. Check these settings in the Daly and maybe change them a bit to see if this makes a difference. The MP only shows what the Daly sends via CAN is my assumption.
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tochal avatar image tochal panicman commented ·
HI panicman, how does it look like? have you got Err Msg again or it is fine now?
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panicman avatar image panicman tochal commented ·
Nope, did not appear again until now. But we have lost the Sun here for about two weeks, so the Battery is all the Time at ~20% SOC, still on the first cycle. I hate Winters like that...
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tochal avatar image tochal panicman commented ·
the same here. hahaaa, but i like winter , in winter we can ski.

then may be the reason that you didnt get over voltage Err, is that you didnt reach the voltage. soon or late, sun will appear.

please keep us informed about it. i learned a lot from your post.

thanks and regards

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xf2334 avatar image
xf2334 answered ·

Hi Panicman,

I've the same setup as you. I've set the BMS to Victronenergy/CAN by BMSMonitor Software, like you suggested. But still I get the nonsense values shown. Did you made any other changes that you maybe not mentioned here?



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panicman avatar image panicman commented ·
Not that I know. Did you connect the BMS directly to the Victron or through the Interface Board? Did you change correctly to VICTRONENERGY/CAN? Because there is an entry for VICTRON/CAN too, but no Idea what it is for... Set it in the Interface Board AND the BMS. Also check the BMS setting in the Victron is set to CAN BMS 500kbps.
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xf2334 avatar image xf2334 panicman commented ·
yes, did all the same like you. but 1 difference: I did set can mode in wnt only. Will try to set it in the BMS itself tomorrow.
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xf2334 avatar image xf2334 xf2334 commented ·
@PanicMan how did you set CAN at the BMS? With the iphone app, I can set VictronEnergy/CAN, insert Pin 123456 and it looks good in the first place, but when I read the settings again it flips back to None/RS485. Also Restarting/Resetting doesn't help.

The WNT shows a correct setting Victronenergy/Can, when I read out by RS485 with BMSMonitor Software.

But still, I get bad readings by venus gx. When I unplug/plug the can bus, it is detected instantly, but the readings are mostly garbage.

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panicman avatar image panicman xf2334 commented ·

It was the same for me with that flip back. I set the inverter in the BMS with the same BMSMonitor Software as for the WNT, different connection Cable. Nothing else.

How is the CAN Packet Monitor looks like? Maybe it is because of the venus, did you tried that in an cerbo? I used it in MP2 GX directly.

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jolilo avatar image
jolilo answered ·

hello panicman

great post

can you give us a diagram of the cable you made for the VE.CAN Side connection <-> DALY INTERFACE BOARD SIDE

is the base a straight or crossed rj45

Do you have a download link for v2.17!

I only found a 2.16

is the cable between the WNT and BMS supplied with the WNT


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panicman avatar image panicman commented ·

Base is an straight rj45, not supplied with the WNT:

Green/white GND 3 - 3 GND green/white
Brown CAN-L 8 - 4 CAN-L blue
Brown/white CAN-H 7 - 5 CAN-H blue/white


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jolilo avatar image
jolilo answered ·

Merci ! ,THANKS.

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djdemond avatar image
djdemond answered ·

I managed to get it working with Daly Smart BMS, Interface WNT board, Mutliplus II and VenusOS.

I wrote it up here in case it helps:

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jochen-steini avatar image
jochen-steini answered ·

Ich kann zwar am PC das BMS auf Victron einstellen, aber leider nicht dauerhaft. Gibt es einen Trick?

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derrick thomas avatar image derrick thomas commented ·
After you change the protocol did you click select?
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jochen-steini avatar image jochen-steini derrick thomas commented ·

Mehrmaliges drücken auf "Select" und "Read" haben nichts bewirkt. Wenn ich die Daten erneut vom BMS lade, ist die Einstellung für Victron weg.

Auch kann ich nur die Daten direkt vom BMS ins Programm laden. Über das Interfaceboard geht es nicht.

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adi-g-pv avatar image
adi-g-pv answered ·

Hy great work i still trying to get it works for me but no succes. i have a question, have some of you get it work with cerbo gx original victron software? or do i have to flash

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panicman avatar image panicman commented ·
Yes, original GX Software, no problem. Do you set the right Victron/CAN protocol in the WNT? And did you change the Cable wiring as described above?
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jochen-steini avatar image
jochen-steini answered ·

Bei mir hat es nun geklappt. Sehe das BMS im Dashboard und in der Geräteliste.

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hechtimnetz avatar image
hechtimnetz answered ·

Hi, does anybody manged to get 2 DIY Lifepo4 battery systems with daly to victron (cerbo)?


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samuel-lehmann avatar image samuel-lehmann commented ·
Yes, but after two minutes it stops updating the value. After disconnect the cable, it works fine for next two minutes. SOC, voltage und min/max cell voltage is fine, but the current turn to negative, but single both are positive.
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Silvio Franceschini avatar image
Silvio Franceschini answered ·

Hello all, I ordered multiple Interface board from Daly with the notice that it needs to work with Victron.

After setting up the Victron communication protocol in BMS Monitor and do the wiring, it worked strait on the Cerbo GX CAN BMS port and after changing baud rate also on Can Port on CCGX.

I changed multiple Interface boards without any programming and it was working. So seams communication settings are stored in the BMS and not in the Interface board.

BUUUUT. The current reading is opposite as in the BMS Monitor / Bluetooth App. While discharging its shows positive value and while charging it shows negative value.
BMS Monitor and App show the correct values.

I have found a post where its suggested to change the "" (INVERT_CURRENT_MEASUREMENT = -1) file, but this was on a raspberry so no idea of how to doing this on Cerbo or CCGX.

Does anyone has the same problem and can give some advise?

Thanks a lot...


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rwwinter avatar image rwwinter commented ·
I have exactly the same problem. Have you been able to find a solution?
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Silvio Franceschini avatar image Silvio Franceschini rwwinter commented ·
Hey, not yet. Habe been on support chat with DALY BMS for hours. They can not belive it. So we try with another DALY BMS of a customer.

I had placed the Terminator, it can read all datas, just the current is pos / neg mixes.


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camaro avatar image camaro Silvio Franceschini commented ·


I have the same issue. Everything is working via can, except the current readings are inverted. Have you been able to find a solution since last summer?

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Silvio Franceschini avatar image Silvio Franceschini camaro commented ·


sorry for the late reply. I did not solve the issue yet, have put it aside.

But just today was exploring some other stuff, I came across the dbus-serialbattery script FAQ where this topic with inverted current of Daly BMS is kind of explained / described how to change it:

So I guess this could also be programmed into the script running on Venus for the DALY BMS CAN interface. But I'm far from being an expert in this.
But may it helps you.

Otherwise if you use just one Daly BMS, use UART and the dBus SerialBattery described above to read out the BMS.

Depend on one project of a customer, we come across this issue again, but than need to solve it. Would let you know.


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rwwinter avatar image
rwwinter answered ·

Make sure you have plugged in the Terminator on the open CAN Port on the Voctron side... otherwise Daly BMS will not be found...

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josmeijer avatar image
josmeijer answered ·

U can subscribe the need of the terminator. Though we put it on the first of the 2 parralleled batteries. Seems the interface print really needs the pull-down resistor. Never used it before. (dozens of them in my drawer :-)

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