
over-and-under-victron avatar image
over-and-under-victron asked

VRM access hanging at 40% on VictronConnect


I recently added Guimods and a driver that allows my two Overkill BMSs to talk to the Cerbo.

VRM access had been working great until these two changes but not sure if it is related.

When I try to access VRM through Victronconnect it hangs at 40%. It does say the Cerbo is online. It did this yesterday and I did a powercycle on the Cerbo and it worked for about 18 hours and now it happened again.

Any suggestions?

cerbo gxVRM
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1 Answer
houser avatar image
houser answered ·

Saw the same here now. Deleted and reinstalled Victronconnect and redid the authorisation scheme, and it started working again. FWIW.

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