
love2learn avatar image
love2learn asked

Time delay inverter power off/on?

It's there a way to shut down my Multiplus 24/3000 for x amount of time and then have it power on again? If I manually turn the inverter off, it will take out Starlink, so I wouldn't be able to get back in to turn it on. Is there a way to turn it off for say 8hrs and then have it power back on after those 8hrs? Going through Cerbo GX/VRM. Thanks in advance!

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3 Answers
Kevin Windrem avatar image
Kevin Windrem answered ·

Nothing built in to Venus OS however if you have unix knowledge you can set up a cron task to send dbus commands to turn the inverter on or off at specific times.

The following commands can be put in bash scripts:

to turn inverter off (

inverterService=$(dbus -y com.victronenergy.system /VebusService GetValue | sed s/\'//g)
dbus -y $inverterService /Mode SetValue 4

to inverter on (

inverterService=$(dbus -y com.victronenergy.system /VebusService GetValue | sed s/\'//g)
dbus -y $inverterService /Mode SetValue 3

Then set up cron to execute each at your desired times.

There is much available about cron on-line so I won't repeat it here. Google is your friend.

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love2learn avatar image love2learn commented ·
Yes I'll go the Unix route! Right on! Thank you very much!
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kevgermany avatar image kevgermany ♦♦ love2learn commented ·
Just one problem with Cron - it doesn't check for successful execution. So you're better executing a script that can check, resend etc. And this still won't play catch up if the system is down at execution time.
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love2learn avatar image love2learn love2learn commented ·
Is this done on the Cerbo GX or the Multiplus? How do I console into these systems (not using a R-Pi)? I found your post with the guiscripts, but that thread assumes prior knowledge on how to get to a Unix console for those systems. Are you saying that I can setup a cron job on the Cerbo/Multiplus, or would that cron job have to be configured on something else like a R-Pi or laptop connected via USB?
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Kevin Windrem avatar image Kevin Windrem love2learn commented ·

This would be done on the GX device (Cerbo). Here's info on how to get in.

as kevgermany says there are issues with cron. But in this case the only way I can see these simple scripts failing is if the Multi is off line.

Another approach would be to install a service that runs in the background, watches the time of day and triggers the commands. Services would restart if they crash and can be written to "catch up". As can be seen in my other work you can even hook into the GUI so you have control over on/off times, etc. Note that console-based dbus commands take quite a bit of time to execute -- like 1 or more seconds. There are other faster versions of these but there is also access via Python programs which might be better especially if you want to hook into the GUI.

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love2learn avatar image
love2learn answered ·

Perhaps there is a setting within VE.Configure that I'm missing?

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Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


You could use the relay on the GX for generator timed run. Connect it to the remote switch H (see appendix A) to switch on and off.

I have not personally used it, but it was something I had looked at a while ago for something.

The other way it to have the loads on ac out 2 on off conditions set with use the programmable relay signal on aux 1 or 2 or temp input signalled from the relay on the gx using the generator timer again. Have AES enabled, it will not be off but in a low power state so will still save power.

Just some ideas. May need a bit of a fiddle to get it right.

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