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rskaliotis asked

Clearing an excessive bulk charge fault

I have a Multiplus II 3000VA that recently triggered excessive bulk charge protection. (I installed a larger capacity battery bank where I expect long charge times, and didn’t know of this feature.)

Is there any way to reset this fault remotely without disrupting power to the load? Possibilities I’ve come up with:

1) Updating the multi’s settings to disable excessive bulk charge protection. It appears this won’t trigger a reboot but would it clear the fault?

2) Switching the mode to “inverter only” and then back to “on”. Would that reset any faults on the charging side of the device? I’d try this, but I suspect the inverter would not function while this fault is in place.

Anything else that might work without disrupting the load by doing a full restart?

Thank you!

Multiplus-IIbattery chargingfault
2 |3000

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