
polar avatar image
polar asked

Smartshunt 1000A blinking lights

Hi there fellow forum people,

Installed my Smartshunt 1000A on my battery bank 24v 130ah.

Both red and blue led blink 3 times simultaniously then stop blinking. Lights go out and will only blink again after refitting one of cables on the poles. Load works thru shunt so cables are fitted the right way. But I get no response from Smartshunt. Not to be found on bluetooth or Victron Connect app.

What can be the cause / what is wrong.… is there a way to reset shunt?

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2 Answers
Alexandra avatar image
Alexandra answered ·


The LED codes are here.

Do you have location on on your phone? It may not be the shunt not visible. See the troubleshooting here

There are afew other threads with fixes or replacements as the solutions.

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polar avatar image
polar answered ·


I already knew where to find the led codes, thanks. But it is not working like it should described in the codes thats why I posted my question here…

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kevgermany avatar image kevgermany ♦♦ commented ·
Then there are two possibilities

Wiring incorrect

Faulty shunt - contact dealer

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