
moodlyd avatar image
moodlyd asked

Victron Multiplus ii connection with Blue Nova LiFeP04 battery

I am considering changing 24V to 48V multiplus, but considering the Multiplus II. Is this compatible with the blue nova LifeP04 lithium batteries?

Also, is it compatible with the blue solar charger controller?

Multiplus-IILithium Batterycharge controller compatibility
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3 Answers
wkirby avatar image
wkirby answered ·

I'd recommend you first read the Victron - Blue Nova compatibility document linked below.
It will help you understand what you need to make things work anf then we'll know what you know. Please ask if you don't understand anything in this document.

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moodlyd avatar image moodlyd commented ·

Thank you, just a matter of clarification, it appears that the Blue Nova batteries will work with a blue solar charge controller that has a Ve.Can port, as long as the settings as stipulated on the document are applied. do i understand correctly?

thank you

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wkirby avatar image wkirby ♦♦ moodlyd commented ·

No, you cannot use VE.Can devices and BlueNova batteries at the same time. When connecting a BlueNova battery, the function of the port changes which makes it incompatible with VE.Can devices.
You need to use VE.Direct charge controllers.

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moodlyd avatar image moodlyd wkirby ♦♦ commented ·

Hi, response from Blue Nova: "Yes the MPPT Can and the Blue Nova Can will work on the CCGX.(Please update the CCGX to v2.18 or higher)"

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ejrossouw avatar image ejrossouw moodlyd commented ·

This is my setup and works great.

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1556260175716.png (378.7 KiB)
ejrossouw avatar image
ejrossouw answered ·

I have the following setup. 48V Multiplus II, Smartsolar 150/45MC4 and BlueNova Classic 77Ah. The battery is connected to the ve.Can together with the terminator supllied with the Colour GX. The Multiplus is connected to the ve.Bus. Because the function of the ve.Can is changed as per the BlueNova instructions, no other devices can be chained due to the protocol change. The BlueNova BMS is then set up to be the BMS master on the GX and will control the MPPT. Works like a dream.

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moodlyd avatar image
moodlyd answered ·

Hi EJ Rossouw & W Kirby, thank you. Blue Nova once again confirmed that canbus for both Blue Nova battery and blue solar charge controller will work.

Bluenova with canbus mppt.pdfI am awaiting the batteries to test.

See snap shots of a working system provided by Blue Nova

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ejrossouw avatar image ejrossouw commented ·

@moodlyd Great if compatibility improved with later firmware releases. The question is what functionality will you have?? As per below, I think the point worth specifically checking is that the BMS in the BlueNova can control the BlueSolar MPPT. It looks rather obvious that it cannot from the extracts below, whereas my BlueNova BMS is managing my MPPT via VE.Directed connection. Of course you may not require it to. And indeed again it can connect to the Colour GX, but what controls do you have or need??

"Select the VE.Can & CAN-bus BMS (250 kbaud) CAN-profile in the CCGX. Menu path: Settings → Services → CAN-profile. Note that this changes the function of a VE.Can port: it is not possible to connect both VE.Can products and a Bluenova battery together."

"MPPT Control: connects to all models with a VE.Direct port, except the BlueSolar MPPT 70/15. (Does not connect to the 150/70 and 150/85 CAN-bus models)"

"VE.Can: two paralleled RJ45 connectors, NMEA2000 protocol"

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moodlyd avatar image moodlyd ejrossouw commented ·

Hi, tx, i agree. i am not going to take a chance and just replace the charge controller

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