
Michel Levesque avatar image
Michel Levesque asked

Cerbo GX relay temperature function not available

I have a Cerbo GX with the latest firmware, and the proper temperature sensor connected to temp port 1 of the cerbo. I activated the analog IO setting so the temp sensor output 1 is also shown on my main screen, displaying the proper temperature.

But when getting into setting>relay menu, the option to pick temperature sensor function is not available. I tried to connect the temp sensor on my multiplus, but same problem. I rebooted the device, not working either.

Any reason why I cannot see the temperature sensor function in the relay activation menu of the cerbo gx?

I want to use the temperature sensor and relay to activate a cooling fan (as described here)


Here are some screeshots

1- Showing the battery temperature sensor connected to cerbo GX #1


2- Cerbo GX analog input activated for the temperature sensor 1


3- Entering the Cebro gx relay menuscreen-shot-2022-09-27-at-123703-pm.png

4- Temperature relay function not in the list


cerbo gxRelayTemperature Sensor
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Matthias Lange - DE avatar image Matthias Lange - DE ♦ commented ·

Can you please make some screenshots?

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Michel Levesque avatar image Michel Levesque Matthias Lange - DE ♦ commented ·

Sure I just updated original post with images.

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1 Answer
Matthias Lange - DE avatar image
Matthias Lange - DE answered ·

I know you wrote that the lastest version of Venus OS is installed but can you please confirm that again (screenshot maybe)?

The function to use the temperature was introduced in version 2.80 released on January 31st 2022.
The current version is 2.90 released a few days ago (2.91 will be released in a few).

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Michel Levesque avatar image Michel Levesque commented ·
Thanks for the feedback. You were right. Although all my other Victron equipment firmwares were up to date, the Cerbo GX was still on 2.73. The newest update to v2.9 resolved the issue and I can now start the cooling fan base on the temperature sensor.
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