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goose asked

Generator on ESS & Pylontech: High battery voltage

Good day all!
I hope someone can help... I have a Quattro installation with Pylontech US3000 batts.

All settings are correct as per manuals and works flawlessly on grid.

But now when the client runs his generator, batteries charges perfectly, but then when reaching max charge, the Quattro does not honor the 52V charge setting on the Quattro, the DVCC limit max, nothing... It keeps on overcharging the battery. Reaching 54V the battery disconnects.

ESS is set to Optimized with battlife

CerboGX & Quattro at latest firmware.

It seems like the Quattro bounces between Ext. Control (charging) and passthrough here at the end.

I had the same problem with Grid that was overcharging:

But that was resolved by setting Grid feed in excess on but with the limit to 0W.

I am at a loss, the overcharging on grid issue seems to be the same problem for the generator...

Thank you!

2 |3000

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